The 5 Step Process to Live a Luxurious Life

The 5 Step Process to Live a Luxurious Life

As I’m eating a dark chocolate rasberry ganache heart, and feeling marvelous after spending the entire morning at the spa, I’m about to share with you the 5 step process to live a luxurious life.

But first, I have a question for you! 

What is your favorite luxury?

Let me share with you mine.

From 8:24am to 12:33pm I went to the spa and got a massage, facial and pedicure.

I went over an hour early so that I could shower and relax in the steam room!

To me, massages, saunas, steam rooms, long showers and fancy spas are my favorite luxury.

That’s why my husband gifted me this visit for a Christmas gift.

(Yes, it took me until last Saturday to finally schedule my spa day…sometimes I’m not so good at pampering myself)

Do you pamper yourself ?

Do you take the time to make yourself look and feel your best?

Do you do something that makes you feel wealthy…feel rich?

Here’s a little secret about me.

When I first started my journey to Financial Freedom, and started budgeting my money, the part of my budget I had the hardest time with was my PLAY money.

I learned from T Harv Eker’s Millionaire Mind Intensive that we take 10% of our money and we spend it on something that makes us feel rich.

Also, there’s a deadline on spending the money!

You can’t save for more than 3 months.

So here I was saving my PLAY money and I had over $300 of it, and my deadline was coming and I didn’t know what to do.

Funny right?

I wasn’t used to treating myself, wasn’t used to spending for my own personal enjoyment, and certainly wasn’t used to spending to feel rich!

I was very good at all of the other categories except PLAY.

So I asked my friends for advice (they said they loved my problem) and I finally decided to spend a night at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Waikiki with my boyfriend.

It was an amazing time, I really did feel rich.

Who knew that my biggest barrier to becoming wealthy was my resistance to enjoying and living in luxury!

Now, my story is unique to me.

You have your own special reason that you are here.

You have your own motivations, barriers and lovely quirks that bring you here today…reading this post today.

I want you to know that I’m grateful that you are here.

I want you to live a luxurious life, and enjoy it!

So here is the 5 Step Process to Live a Life of Luxury.

#1 List Your Luxuries

Write down your favorite luxuries.

Write down all of them.

They can be small and big.

For instance, a small one might be eating a piece of dark chocolate.

Or maybe cuddling with a pillow and watching a movie.

A big luxury might be driving a fancy car.

Or flying on a private jet.

When I first started listing my dreams on the advice from Tim Ferriss’ book The Four Hour Work Week, one of my luxuries was going surfing everyday.

It doesn’t have to cost money.

It could be time to yourself floating in the beach at Waikiki (ok, so that’s free for me because I live here…).

It could be as simple as your spouse making you breakfast in bed…

Write out as many luxuries as you can think of NOW!

#2 Visualize Your Luxuries

After writing your luxuries, the next step is to take some time alone, close your eyes and imagine what it would be like to have them.

See yourself in your mind on that amazing first class vacation.

Or feel the wind as you drive the car of your dreams.

Or listen in your mind to the sound of silverware as you are eating in that fine restaurant in that beautiful new dress.

I don’t care if you have to hide in the bathroom to get time to yourself, take the time to visualize and feel what it will feel like to have your luxuries!

#3 Price Your Luxuries

Tim Ferriss and Tony Robbins both recommending making your dreams real by actually pricing them out.

Renting a private jet might be a lot cheaper than owning and maintaining your own.

How much would that private island really cost?

Just how much is it to eat out at that restaurant you want?

Price it all out.

#4 Schedule Your Luxuries

For the little luxuries, and the free luxuries, put it in your schedule when you are going to do them.

Schedule luxury into your life!

I did that on Saturday when I scheduled my spa day.

You do the same.

Put the luxuries in your schedule and go do them.

This is exercising your luxury life muscle!

#5 Create a PLAY account and follow the rules!

Finally, I recommend that you create PLAY account where you put aside 10% of everything you make.

I learned this techique from Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker.

This money must be spent every month on something that makes you feel rich!

If you want to save for a more expensive luxury, be sure to only save for 3 months max!

You don’t need a separate bank account.

You can put this money aside in cash.


It’s easier then ever to start living a luxurious life.

Just follow the steps and watch your world change into the extraordinary.

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