How to Invest in Deflation, Inflation, Economic Growth & Economic Decline
In March of this year, how did you do when the stock market tanked over 50%.
Amazingly enough, my son was prepared because I had invested his money for any season, deflation, inflation, economic growth and economic decline.
So instead of his money tanking in March, it was only down 3% or so.
I kept investing for him $110/month and now he is up from when I started in October over 6%, and over 9% Annual Percentage Yield (click here for Why my 6 Year old is Beating the Stock Market)
Now we are in an environment of deflation and economic decline.
Most people have no idea how to invest now. They will just hold and wait, or they’ll take their money out of stocks and lose money.
So how do you invest to profit in any economic season?
I learned how to do it in the book by Tony Robbins called Money Master The Game (CLICK HERE to learn more about the book).
Basically, he talked about meeting Ray Dalio, and how Ray explained how there are 4 economic seasons – inflation (when prices go up), deflation (when prices go down), higher than expected economic growth and lower than expected economic growth (or decline).
In order to balance between all 4 seasons, you need to know what does well in each season.
Then diversify your money accordingly. He recommends the following portfolio (CLICK HERE for full details of the All Seasons Portfolio):
7.5% gold
7.5% commodities
15% intermediate term US Treasury bonds
30% stocks
40% long term US Treasury bonds
If you were blindsided in this recent financial crash, then you might want to start allocating your money to the All Seasons Portfolio.
If you’re investment advisor won’t do it like mine wouldn’t, then stop paying them that fee and do it yourself!
Also, I invite you to join a mastermind group.
Our current Finance Freedom Mastermind group has been learning how to create the All Seasons Portfolio on our own.
Mastermind groups work together to benefit everyone in the group.
They are very powerful and also great ways to stay focused on a goal, make new friends who will support you and get to your goals faster.
My Finance Freedom Mastermind program is an excellent way to become Financially Free as quickly as possible (CLICK HERE for more information).
As YesFinanciallyFree.com’s response to CoVid, we have also created a FREE mastermind for a limited time which meets on Zoom on Fridays at 7am HST / 1pm EST. We focus on how to find profitable investments and you can join it by CLICKING HERE.
I hope you enjoyed this post! Please share it with your friends and followers and have a great day =)