9 Ways to Make Yourself More Expensive

9 Ways to Make Yourself More Expensive

Want to know 9 Ways to Make Yourself More Expensive?

I was once asked by my boss if I would work over 100 hours a week if I got paid a million dollars a year, and I remember saying “no way”!

He didn’t believe me.

I told him if the job was temporary, like 3 months, I would do it, take the Million dollars, and quit after that.

However, I told him that I need time to sleep, work out, relax, spend time with my Mom, and that much work is not healthy for anyone!

I told him that I wanted to find my soul mate and get married and spend time with him!

How funny I was, and yet, I was already becoming expensive.

Now I’m even more expensive, because you couldn’t pay me anything to work that old job anymore!

In fact, if you offered me a million dollars now to work over 100 hours a week, I would only do it for maybe 1 week max (let’s see, that would be $19,230 for 1 week…hmm, maybe I wouldn’t do it after all!).

I wouldn’t want to miss out on time with my husband and my son!

And again, that much work is just not healthy!

I keep getting more and more expensive.

How about you?

If someone offered you a job that paid a million dollars/year but you had to work over 100 hours a week would you take it?

How expensive are you?

If your answer is yes, then here is a great blog for you to learn 9 Ways to Make Yourself More Expensive!

#1 Do Something Every Month That Makes You Feel Rich

The first time I did this I spent $300 to stay at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, a pink hotel down in Waikiki. I stayed 1 night, and I felt rich!

If you don’t have that much money, go into a fancy hotel and get a cup of coffee…figure something out.

What will you do?

#2 Do Dreamline Exercise From Timothy Ferris 4 Hour Workweek

CLICK HERE for more details on the Dreamline Exercise along with the dreamline worksheet.

Basically all that you do is write out your dreams.

Where would you go?

What would you do?

Where would you live?

Then figure out what each of your dreams would cost.

#3 Do An Action to Get Your First Dream

Take the dreams you wrote down and do an action to get your first dream.

For me it was to buy a surf board.

Then I went out everyday and went surfing.

That dream only cost me $150.

What about you?

#4 Affirm Your Worth With Wealth Affirmations

Affirmations are sentences that you say to yourself that are in the present tense that affirm what you want in your life.

I’m wealthy.

I make multiple streams of ever growing passive income.

I can afford anything I want.

CLICK HERE for 643 Affirmations for Financial Freedom, Wealth, Abundance, Money and Prosperity

Make a list of your favorite wealth affirmations.

#5 Create Affirming Questions

If affirmations don’t seem to work, maybe you don’t agree with what you are saying.

Maybe you just want something more powerful.

Do questions.


Because your brain will look for answers to your questions, instead of questioning the question.

For example:

“Why is it so easy for me to make money and then create more money from it?”

“Why am I so rich?”

“Where does all of my abundance come from?”

“How is it that I have so much free time?”

“Why is my life so wonderful?”

Make a list of your favorite empowering questions!

#6 Say/Record/Listen to Your Affirmations and Affirming Questions

That’s right, take those lists and record them on your phone, on a tape recorder, on your computer…wherever.

Then listen to them, repeat them out loud.

Make them sink into your brain and become your reality.

Repetition is key!


#7 Subliminal Wealth Music or Videos

CLICK HERE for the 5 most popular and free subliminal wealth programming videos.

Listen to them when your working.

Listen to them when you work out, go for walks.

Listen to them while you sleep!!!

#8 Pay Yourself First

Every time you get paid money, take at least 10% out and pay yourself first.

What does that mean?

For example, you get a $20 tip.

Take at least $2 (20 x.1) and put it in your savings account for investing.

This is money for making you rich (not for spending on education, seminars, cars, or anything…for saving and investing)

This will actually make you financially free if you invest that money to make you passive income, and then live off of the passive income.

How expensive will you feel when you’re paying yourself $100 / month from your investment account’s earnings?

How about $5,000 / month?

#9 Meditate

I do this everyday and it is important.

Clear out your mind.

Be one with God, spirit, the universe, your highest self.

There’s power, guidance, love, acceptance, peace, joy…a lot!

About Mey Duldulao

Back in 2011 I had over $30,000 in credit card and line of credit debt, was living paycheck to paycheck and was stressed out o
ver my lack of success in my financial life.

In April of 2016, I became debt free and had a monthly passive income stream. I quit my job on December 23, 2016, and started doing my dream work of mentoring others on what I did to create the freedom to quit my job.

In 2017 we bought our first condo in Waikiki, and we went on 5 weeks of vacation (including a 7 day cruise to the Mexican Riviera)!!!

In 2018 we bought our first investment property!

In 2018 we converted our first condo into our 2nd investment property.

In 2019 we sold our first investment property and we are currently in escrow for a nice 2 bdrm condo in Waikiki.

I spend most of my time doing what I dreamed of for years, spending my days with my son Jordan and my husband Jomel, enjoying motherhood and being a wife. I also enjoy researching Financial Freedom and sharing what I learn with my clients and on my blog.

If you want to learn more about how I can help take back control of your money and your time, then CLICK HERE, watch the free video and get started!

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