Your Financial Freedom Breaking Point

Your Financial Freedom Breaking Point

Yesterday I remembered my Financial Freedom Breaking Point, and I want to share it with you so that you can find yours.

Did you know that I did something today I couldn’t do back in October of 2016 (almost 3 years ago from today)?

In October of 2016, my son was 3 years old and in his first year of pre-school, and he was going on a day field trip to go trick or treating.

It was Jordan’s first time to go trick-or-treating and I wanted to go.

However, I couldn’t go because I couldn’t get off work.

And that was the last straw for me.

I realized that I couldn’t work that job anymore.

Shortly after that, on the day before Thanksgiving I gave them 1 month’s notice.

December 24 of 2016 was that last day I ever had a boss who told me when I could or could not see my son.

I chose to change my life, and I chose to take my freedom back.

Today I went on a field trip with my son Jordan’s pre-school class and no one in the world could have stopped me.


We went to the Coast Guard base and toured a rescue airplane and rescue helicopter!

I was there for my son and for MYSELF, got to take lots of fun pictures, and enjoy our morning together.

It took the whole morning too, from 8:30am to 1pm.

It took longer than normal and you know what?

I had the freedom to stay and take him home after and it didn’t matter when it ended because I had the time!!!!!

What about you?

What would be your last straw?

What would be the breaking point where you would actually take that step to become Financially Free no matter what.

What would it take for you to stand up to your boss and quit that job…to stand up for yourself and your family and take your freedom back!!!

When are you going to know in your heart that you had more to do and a better place to be?

And that it’s important and actually imperative right now for you to actually spend time with the people you love and care about.

What would be your last straw? Write it in the comments below!

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