5 Top Tools To Successfully Handle Your New Financial Freedom

5 Top Tools To Successfully Handle Your New Financial Freedom

…what are the tools you need when you are financially free?

…learn the TOP 5 tools for the financially free and be prepared for your oncoming freedom!

  1. Google Calendar

    …when you are free, you suddenly have all the time in the world to do whatever you want…

    …a lot of people just don’t know what to do with themselves, as they are not used to this freedom…

    …many will sleep and hardly do anything as they get used to their new lifestyle…

    …this is where a google calendar becomes most useful!

    …you can use it to schedule your new life, including gym workouts, time to spend with your family, time to work on your current projects, vacations…


  2. Journal

    …now that you are free, it’s time to redefine who you are…

    …you made your financial goal come true, and now what are you going to do next?

    …a journal is essential for writing down your thoughts, goals and progress…

    …use it to put in your positive affirmations, and to dream even bigger…

    …then take what you write and schedule it in your google calendar!


  3. Work Out Clothes

    …that’s right, now that you have the time, tune up your body…

    …get out to the gym, or go hiking, swimming, do some races, play soccer, basketball…

    …get in shape and get fit…

    …you’ll stay sharp, look sexy and feel great…

    …then you’ll find it really easy to find inspiring new projects and other worthy goals…

    …and it will help with your relationship with yourself and your loved ones…


  4. Mint

    …track your accounts and your Net Worth…

    …keep up your financial fitness by always increasing your Net Worth…

    …this will keep your financial brain in shape, and keep you growing…

    …Mint tracks all of your assets and liabilities in one place…

    …use it or a similar system to keep up your financial freedom goals…


  5. phone

    …call the people you love and let them know how much you care…

    …schedule it on your Google Calendar…

    …you didn’t make it this far to forget why you are here…

    …and what is most valuable to you…

    …get in touch and stay in touch with the important people in your life, and do it now!


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3 Replies to “5 Top Tools To Successfully Handle Your New Financial Freedom”

  1. Nice post Meylysa, I particularly like your last point about calling loved ones, after all they are most valuable and precious to us. Live with emotion, Christopher #emotiontap

    1. Thanks for the comment Christopher, I’m glad you liked the tools. Yes, calling our loved ones is so important!

  2. Great post. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.