3 Crucial Lessons I Learned From Robert Kiyosaki

3 Crucial Lessons I Learned From Robert Kiyosaki

…have you had the chance to meet Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad and The Cash Flow Quadrant…

…and maker of the game Cash Flow?

…well, if you are interested in becoming financially free, or helping others do so, he is someone who has taught me a lot…

…read on to learn the most important lessons…


  1. …how would you like to be financially free at 37 years old?

    …so, when I was introduced to Robert Kiyosaki it was through a friend who was only 2 years older than me at 37 years old, who was already financially free…

    …he told me to play the Cash Flow game every week until I could get out in an hour…


    …because playing the game gives you practice to become financially free…

    …it trains the brain to look for opportunities that create passive income, and avoid overspending and buying things that will take money away (liabilities)…

    …it was funny but one of the worst cards to get was the yacht!

    …when you got the boat you had to pay all of these expenses and have to pay a lot every month to house it, insure it…yikes!

    …it was a real wake up call and helped me begin to track my passive income and my expenses…

    …and work on increasing my passive income and reducing my expenses…

  2. …do you think buying the home that you live in is a good investment?

    …think again!

    …did you calculate how much it would cost to pay taxes, insurance, upkeep?

    …did you know that the interest you pay in your mortgage is paid up front in the first 7 years to the bank?

    …did you know if you took the entire 30 years to pay off your mortgage you might be paying double or more of the purchase price in interest?

    …and you have no idea if the value will go up or down…

    …it does not give you any passive income…

    …in fact, you get a mortgage which reduces your cash flow (unless it’s less than your rent)…

    …because of the lessons I learned in the Cash Flow Quadrant, I have never bought a house…

  3. …what type of income earner are you?


    …self employed?

    …business owner?


    …Robert Kiyosaki has a whole book that discusses these four ways of earning an income called the Cash Flow Quadrant…


    …the employee and the self employed person trade their time for money…

    …if you own the business and don’t have to work it all day (have systems and other people working it for you)…then you can have time…

    …if you are a good investor and your money is working for you and making a return in passive income…then you have time…

    …the goal is to be a business owner and/or investor if you want time freedom…

…I’d love to hear about your mentors!

…I actually listen to my mentors everyday through an expansive video library…

…click the image below to connect with successful entrepreneurial business owners with time freedom =)

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4 Replies to “3 Crucial Lessons I Learned From Robert Kiyosaki”

  1. Great post Meylysa!
    Robert Kiyosaki is one of my
    favorite teachers and mentors.
    Love the information he puts out.
    I love “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” and all
    his other books. One of my favorite
    is “Why We Want You To Be Rich”
    By Robert and Donald Trump.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Daphne! I will have to read that book. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Robert Kyosaki is a great financial teacher! I learned a ton from him when I was 18. I read Rich Dad, Poor Dad at Barnes and Noble. Sent me on a wild ride that has had me doing everything from sleeping on couches to owning a casino. It’s been crazy and fun! Thanks for this article!

    1. Thanks for the comment Ben. Sounds like you really got some amazing experiences! Glad Robert Kiyosaki had such a positive effect on you!