17 Tips on How to Create Empowering Habits

17 Tips on How to Create Empowering Habits

…what if you could live your life doing what you love AND become financially free, AND live your dream life, AND give the greatest service to the world…

…what if it was automatic?

…well, it can be if you form empowering habits…

…this post shares 17 tips to creating empowering habits…

…since this blog is about financial freedom, we will focus on the habit of saving at least 10% of your income…

…let’s do this!

  1. Add Your Habit to a Checklist

    …let’s use a financial freedom habit that you must do in order to create great wealth in your life…

    …one way to create a new habit is to put it on a daily checklist…

    …then everyday, go ahead and check off that you did your new habit…

    …so you can put a check by “Saved at least 10% of My Income”…

  2. Repetition of Affirmation

    …create an affirmation about your habit such as “I’m wealthy and save at least 10% of my income…

    …say this affirmation constantly, while you’re driving, walking, in the bathroom…

    …you get the idea…

  3. Sing Your Affirmation

    …that affirmation that we created about the habit, create a song around it and sing it…

    …or sing it to a different tune everyday…

    …song is extremely powerful…

  4. Create a list of Obstacles and How you Will Overcome Them

    …write down a list of any obstacles you think you will encounter doing the habit and then for each obstacle, write down how you will overcome them…

    …hang up this list on your bathroom mirror…

  5. Get An Accountability Partner

    …find someone to keep you accountable to your new habit…

    …I’m my husband’s accountability partner…

    …everytime he earns money I ask him “did you pay yourself 10% first?”

    …get someone who loves you enough to truly be on your case and ask you everytime…

  6. Use Facebook as an Accountability Partner

    …tell your facebook audience that you have a new habit, saving at least 10% of everything you make…

    …everytime you save write a status update with lots of happy celebrating pictures and let your facebook friends support you!

  7. Create a dreamboard

    …draw pictures, cut out magazine images with images of you saving money, people saving money, money growing…

    …of the things you will be able to afford when your wealthy, of piggy banks, and bills…

    …paste them to a board…

    …your dreamboard…

  8. Create a reward

    …create a reward to give yourself every time you successfully do your new habit…

    …give yourself a nice foot massage every time you save your money…

    …or go out and get an amazing chocolate…

    …or go out and get a fruit smoothie…

    …or call a friend and have them compliment you til you giggle…

    …or buy popcorn…

    …sing a song…

    …reward yourself for good behavior!

  9. Keep Score

    …create a game and keep score…

    …one point everytime you save your money…

    …or give yourself points for every dollar saved…

    …when you get a certain number of points, you win!

  10. Chart it on a calendar

    …keep track of your progress on a calendar…

    …everytime you save your money, then mark it on the calendar with stickers, or stars you draw…

    …or whatever symbol you like…

    …watch the calendar fill up with your new habit…

  11. Journal About It

    …keep track of your progress in a journal…

    …write about how you feel, how much you saved, and your dreams and goals…

  12. Make Your Passwords About Your Habit

    …I don’t know about you however I change my passwords every couple of months or so…

    …and I type my passwords into my computer a lot during the day…

    …so have your password remind you of your new habit…

    …it could be “ISave10” or “ImASavingGod” or “MoneyGrows”…

    …you get the picture…

  13. Talk About Your New Habit to Everyone

    …whenever you hang out with a friend, tell them about your new habit…

    …you can bring it up with family…

    …when you meet a stranger tell them too…

    …let the world know about your habit building mission to save that money…

  14. Forgive and Keep Going

    …if you ever fall off and not do your new habit, then forgive yourself, and continue doing it…

    …you are building a new habit so it may be hard at first…

    …that’s ok, you’re human…

    …pick yourself up and start saving again…

  15. Meditate About Creating Success With Your New Habit

    …meditation is pretty powerful and can help deepen a habit…

    …while meditating you can ask for guidance, on how to strengthen your habit of saving…

    …ask for how to overcome your obstacles…

    …how to solidify the habit…

  16. Watch Movies About People Doing Your New Habit

    …saving money is so important…

    …so watch movies about people who save their money and become wealthy…

    …you can watch documentaries about Warren Buffett or Donald Trump…

  17. Blog About Your New Habit

    …start a blog and everyday blog about your new habit, how you feel, your progress…

    …just like that movie Julie Julia where she blogged about cooking a new dish from Julia Child’s cooking book…

    …let the internet be your accountability partner…


…want to blog about what you love and also get paid doing it?

…check out the blogging platform I use below, and get started…

…building an internet business is creating real estate and an investment in your future!

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4 Replies to “17 Tips on How to Create Empowering Habits”

  1. Great post Meylysa I strongly agree that you must have good habits in order to be successful in anything you do in life. People don’t realize how easy it is to create new habits. All it takes is doing it every day for 30 days and you got it. Thanks for sharing the tips and keep up the great work..

    1. Thanks Wade, yes I think pretty much everything we do is the result of habits…