You’re Invited to the Finance Freedom Christmas Celebration on Dec 23, 2020 @ 4 pm EST / 9 pm EST

You’re Invited to the Finance Freedom Christmas Celebration on Dec 23, 2020 @ 4 pm EST / 9 pm EST

Will you come and celebrate Financial Freedom with me and other great friends on December 23 @ 4pm HST / 9pm EST?

We are doing our annual Christmas Party, and you are invited this year!

We celebrate every year with a party on this day because this is the last day I worked at my bank job in 2016.

So, finance freedom mastermind members and alumni and their families are free to join us without charge.

All others are welcome to join us on the Zoom party – CLICK HERE and pay $25 for your event ticket.

We will be:
1) Playing the board game Cash Flow
2) Choosing Our Favorite Dividend Stocks for Prize drawings
3) Getting to know each other better
4) Receiving Finance Freedom Christmas Gifts

Looking forward to celebrating with you online =)

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