You Can Have It All…And Here’s How

You Can Have It All…And Here’s How

…Mey here listening to truly inspiring music which you can play while you read this post on You Can Have It All…And Here’s How…

…some people think that the idea of having it all is greedy…

…it depends on how you look at it…

…when I write you can have it all, I mean that you can have all that you want to be happy and feel fulfilled…

…this is really what everyone wants anyway…

…and it’s actually noble, and brave, and our destiny to have it all…

…and it is possible…

…it’s possible for you…

…and here’s how…

Step 1: Decide That You Want To Have It All

…the first step is to decide that you do want all that will make you happy and fulfilled…

…and that your true goal, and your true journey in life, is to live a happy and fulfilled life..

…that’s what having it all means…

…I’ve met people in many different countries who have very different things and lifestyles and yet they would profess that they have it all…


…that’s step 2…

Step 2: Understand Where Your True Happiness and Fulfillment Lies

…most people are very close to living their dream life…

…they just never decided to do it, and they never actually sat down and thought about what makes them truly happy and fulfilled…

…it’s different for everyone!

…some people like to live in a big city with friends and parties and shopping…

…some people want to live on an island near the beach with few belongings to have to take care of, and only want to go shopping at the holidays, like to read and blog and play with kids (that would be me…)…

…my husband loves to work out at the gym everyday, take naps, eat nice food, go the movies and socialize in person and on facebook…he’s not the outdoors type unless he’s surfing…

…what makes you happy?

…for everyone it is different and unique…

Step 3: Write Down What Having It All Looks Like, Feels Like, Tastes Like…

…have you ever written down what having it all would look like, feel like, taste like, smell like, be like?

…it may shock you to know that writing down and imagining what I truly want has manifested it in my life…

…why is that you ask?

…because when you know what you really want, and you see yourself having it, it becomes real to you…

…then you start to believe in it…

…you could also say that your subconscious mind and the universe now understand what you really want…

…so they help you get it…

…they help you get it by opening up your awareness…

…you see, the great inventors, business leaders, they saw opportunities that were all around us…

…we just didn’t see them the way they did…

…for example, in Hawaii Mr. Bishop of Hawaii saw Hawaii as a wealthy state of integrity…

…he was entrusted with money when other banks failed because he saw that vision…

…and since he was honest with other people’s money…

…he grew a bank in Hawaii that people could trust…

…thus allowing commerce to grow…

…he lived in the same place as many others, he just saw opportunities that others didn’t see…

…because he had his own vision…

…when you know what you want, you will start to see ways to make it happen, and then you will do the next step…

Step 4: Take The Action Steps Necessary To Have It All In Your Life Now

…the next step is to just do what you have to do to make it happen…

…if you have done steps 1-3 you will find this step is a lot easier now…

…because you see what you need to do and now you just have to go do it…

…Financial Freedom is something that I’m passionate about…

…when I realized that I wanted it, I started to take the steps to make it come true in my life…

…I reduced the hours I worked to half…

…I decided to live in Hawaii and enjoy the beaches, learn to surf, hang out at the beach everyday…

…my life changed because I decided what I wanted…

…it’s not instant…

…and yet, the day I started surfing everyday it felt pretty instant…

…and I do the work, I researched the steps, and I save my 10%+ every time I get paid, and I reduce my expenses and I increase my passive income…

…there’s really nothing else to it…

…so whatever it is that you want, start taking the action steps now to make it happen…

Step 5 Enjoy Your Life By Using Gratitude

…this is actually all the steps combined because this is all you need…

…if you are wondering how to do this, practice gratitude…

…what are you thankful for…

…think about it, and write it down…

…everyday, feel how grateful you are for your spouse, your children, your family, your parents, your country, the money that you have now, the ability to read this post, the fact that you found a friend who will support you…

…whatever it is…

…the fact that you are breathing…

…that you are alive, today in this moment…

…that you can walk, or read, or that you have hands…

…the fact that you can see…

…tap into gratitude, and enjoy your life, and the journey that you are on right now…

…whatever it is…

…because it’s your journey…

…and it’s magnificent…

…it’s a wonderful and heroic journey…

…that only you can go on…

…it’s yours and it’s beautiful…



…some of you reading this can become financially free tomorrow…

…and I’m being truthful here…

…some of you just had a breakthrough and realized what it is that you truly want…

…and it isn’t what you thought…

…some of you just realized that you have the financial resources already in place and you just have to make one phone call, and you will be financially free tomorrow…

…some of you realize that it will take you longer…

…however you are happy because now you see what you want and what you need to do to get there…

…my friend, which one are you?

tell me what it looks like to Have It All for you in the comments below…


…I love blogging about Financial Freedom, and I believe with each blog someone in the world is getting closer to living their destiny…

…I’m helping uplift the world through my presence on the internet…

…if you have a calling that you want to fulfill through blogging, then CLICK HERE, watch the free video and get started!

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