Why Is Financial Abundance Everywhere?

Why Is Financial Abundance Everywhere?

…Mey here on a breezy and starry Wednesday evening, while my husband and son are out enjoying the night air together, blogging about Why Is Financial Abundance Everywhere?

…what is your reaction to that question?

…are you thinking that it isn’t everywhere in your life?

…or are you thinking of all the abundance in your life that you didn’t really notice before?

…I pose this question on purpose because it is truly how I feel, and it triggers in the brain that we need to pay attention because financial abundance is everywhere!

…think about it, I have this amazing computer with a wireless mouse and keyboard that I’m blogging on daily to help people all over the world become financially free…

…it’s the most amazing experience and it’s possible because of how rich, prosperous and wealth we all are living in the US, or UK, or Taiwan, or wherever it is that you live…

…you are reading this right now which means you are just swimming in a boundless sea of financial wealth and abundance…

The Signs That Financial Abundance is Everywhere

1) Virtually everyone has a cell phone these days and use it to connect with their relatives, friends and others all around the world…

2) We have doctors and health care providers, acupuncturists, physical therapists, healers…all sorts of ways to become and maintain our health…

3) We have music in our radios and in our phones and to me, music is like the ultimate leisure and enjoyment activity…

4) We have more than enough food to eat, with plenty of healthy options, and plenty of places to get it…

5) We have clean water to drink and bathe and wash…

6) We have children who now usually live past without any health issues, who have plenty of health care and wonderful vaccinations…

7) We can fly to places that used to take years to reach by foot and boat…

8) We have these amazing cars, vans, SUVs, you name it, that we can use to take ourselves over great distances quickly…

9) We have instant access to movies, shows, and all kinds of entertainment through our computers, internet…

10) We have time for hobbies and sports, like surfing, swimming, jogging, sewing, basket weaving, antique collecting…

…I could go on and on…

Why Is Financial Abundance Everywhere?

…what an awesome question isn’t it?

…here are my answers…

…financial abundance is everywhere because the world is full of loving parents who will do anything to make their children safe, happy and healthy…

…so generations upon generations of these loving parents have created hospitals, medicine, clean water and irrigation systems…

…these parents dedicated their lives to making the world a better place for us all…

…because love and compassion are so powerful they can change nations, movements, technologies and the development of the human race…

…these are my answers…

…what about you?

…give us your answer to the question in the comments below!


…my name is Mey and I love blogging about financial freedom…

…I hope you enjoyed this blog and will continue visiting to learn more about the latest breakthroughs in Financial Freedom on a daily basis…

…I share what I love, and it gets me income too!

…if you have something that you are passionate about, and want to share what you love with the world too, then consider blogging by CLICKING HERE, watching our free video and getting started =)

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6 Replies to “Why Is Financial Abundance Everywhere?”

  1. Mey your article is so true we do have abundance here and in some other countries. Very good article.

    1. Hi Dolores, thanks for reading my blog…I’ve only been to maybe about 15 or so countries in Asia, Europe and North America, and all of them were financially abundant…I think it is relative though, and that societies have their own measures of wealth…

  2. It is true, Mey…abundance is all around us if we choose to notice it! Thanks for sharing such great inspiration!

  3. It is true, financial abundance is everywhere. It is a blessing to notice the financial abundance. Some people do not notice and struggle financially. I know, and believe, that with the right mindset, all things are possible. Financial abundance is possible for everyone!

    1. Thanks for the comment Mary, yes, when it becomes a question of changing our mindset, then financial abundance really is possible for everyone.