Why Forgiving Is Vital To Your Financial Freedom

Why Forgiving Is Vital To Your Financial Freedom

…Mey here at 9:54pm writing tonight about Why Forgiving is Vital To Your Financial Freedom…

…have you ever been betrayed and had a grudge that you couldn’t let go of?

…I have had grudges against people and also myself…

…I’ve done things that I know was wrong and thought that I could not be forgiven…

…little did I know that this was keeping me poor…


…well, our minds work in mysterious ways…

…and when I thought that I had done something wrong and would not forgive myself, I found a way to punish myself by remaining poor, having financial difficulties and so on…

…it works in all areas of my life however I will focus on financial freedom…

…it actually is not that hard to become financially free and it can be done with a little effort in about 5 years or so…

…the only reason it doesn’t happen faster has to do with belief…

…for me, I didn’t think I could ever have wealth, because I didn’t think I was valuable…

…I didn’t believe it could happen to me…

…so I didn’t study it or take any of the right actions to become financially free…

…once I started working on myself and realizing that I was valuable and that I was worth financial freedom and so much more…

…then I started studying it and reading about it, attending seminars, and then taking the actions required (i.e. saving money, then investing and creating passive income, and lowering expenses)…

…in the end, it really comes down to belief, which is fueled by forgiveness…

…in order to realize how valuable I was, I had to forgive myself for the wrongs that I had done…

…I had to forgive others for the wrongs they had done to me…

…and then I released all that emotional energy, and also released the need to punish myself…

…then I could start pampering myself, and taking better care of myself…

…forgiveness is key to living a happy life where we can see more clearly the paths we need to take to achieve our goals…

…in the case of financial freedom, forgiving myself for not saving my whole life and living in poverty was key…

…and allowing myself to love all of me, and to know that financial freedom was my birthright and that I was valuable and worthy…


What do you think?  Have you got any grudges that you need to release?  Tell us about them in the comments and release them now!

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