Why Do You Want To Be Financially Free?

Why Do You Want To Be Financially Free?

…Mey here blogging after a great day of swimming, beach time with the family and a movie date night, blogging about Why Do You Want To Be Financially Free?

…if you are reading my blog and have a burning desire to be financially free I will now ask you again, Why Do You Want To Be Financially Free?

…you’d be surprised how many people I meet who say they want to be financially free and when I ask them why, they don’t have an answer…

…have you really considered it?

The Truth About What Happens To Those Who Become Financially Free

…think about it, when you are financially free, what will happen?

…your friends at work will not relate to you anymore, and won’t have time to hangout with you except after work, if they even have the time…

…you will have more choices than most people have…

…you will not relate to most people…

…to some, that’s pretty daunting…

…especially if you like fitting in…

…just like in the movie The Shawshank Redemption, when some inmates are released from prison after a long sentence, they don’t know what to do with themselves, or how to be happy with their new freedom…

…in Timothy Ferriss’ book The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich, he talks about when he finally achieved location and time freedom and he just didn’t know what to do with himself…

…he was sleeping and depressed for a day before he decided to go take an action – eat dinner…

…this is not the first story I’ve heard of friends becoming free, and then genuinely unhappy in the beginning, and confused…

…eventually, they find their why…


…take some time to meditate, contemplate, journal about what you want your lifestyle to be like when you are financially free

…what do you want to be doing when you wake up, in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evenings…

…who will you spend time with?

…a lot of people say their why is their family…

…are your kids going to want you around all the time?

…is your spouse?

…maybe your kids are young now and love you around, however, what about when they get their own friends and off they go?

…are you going to have a job or work on a project?

…what are you going to spend your time doing that will make you feel like you are contributing to society, the world, or just your family?

…are you going to take more vacations?

…in the movie The Intern, Robert DeNiro’s character retires, travels the world, and then doesn’t know what to do with himself…

…so he works as an intern…

…are you going to blog, expand a business, research investments?

…what are you going to be doing?

why is it so important for you to be financially free?

…be CRYSTAL CLEAR on how your days will go…

…even who you want to be friends with and how you want to spend your time with them…

…if you can see it clearly, then it will become a reality…


…it took me a long time to realize certain things that I just love to do…

…I love surfing and I love reading and playing with my 2 year old son…

…I enjoy blogging, researching and learning about Financial Freedom…

…blogging is especially meaningful to me because every day I get to see if my post impacts the lives of my readers, and if they use them to become financially free…

…do you have something that you love?

…If you want to blog about what you love in about an hour or two a day, and make some money doing it if you choose, then I suggest that you CLICK HERE, Watch the Free Video, and Start Today!

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8 Replies to “Why Do You Want To Be Financially Free?”

  1. Interesting post, made me really think why is it that I want to be financially free aside from the obvious reasons! Thanks for sharing

  2. Mey, Thank you for this great post! I love everything about it especially being financially free. I will enjoy reading your blog posts and am thankful for your wisdom!

  3. Meylysa, the truth is people get so brainwashed to study(work from 7am-10pm what slavery) as a result of the school system, which is not currently equipped for the freedom lifestyle. Thought provoking article! The school system should start including entrepeneurship as a subject, as well as social media skills to earn a living online!

    1. Thanks for the thoughtful comment Annalize! I agree, that so many people do get a habit of studying/working for someone else and it’s hard to live a free life, just like a prisoner who has been in prison a long time…