What Birthrates Indicate About Economic Growth
Study Declares Birthrates Decrease BEFORE Recessions
According to an article published on May 9, 2018, decreasing birthrates often precede an economic recession…why?
According to the study, before the last 3 major recessions birthrates started to decline. The reason for this early signal that the economy is heading for recession is that people are the cause of economic recessions.
When people feel less frisky in the bedroom, less confident about the future and their finances, then they are less likely to have children.
These feelings lead to them taking other actions, like not buying stocks or not investing in businesses or buying property.
These actions eventually lead to economic recession.
I researched whether birthrates really did decline before the last 3 recessions.
Since the article didn’t mention what the last 3 biggest recessions were, I spend some time working on figuring that out.
In Wikipedia they have listed SO MANY recessions that there seems to be no correlation between birthrates and recessions (CLICK HERE for the list).
I then googled what the 3 biggest recessions were and got another list (CLICK HERE for the list), and from reading through the severity of the recessions, determined that the last 3 big recessions were from:
#1 Big Recession in 1973-1975: OPEC oil embargo, wage price controls and lay offs, pulled off gold standard, 5 quarters of negative GDP growth
CLICK HERE to see for yourself that they did decline before 1973, and then start rising again after 1975.
1970 – Birthrate 18.4 (per 1000)
1971 – Birthrate 17.2 (per 1000) – DECREASE
1972 – Birthrate 15.6 (per 1000) – DECREASE
1973 – Birthrate 14.9 (per 1000) – DECREASE – RECESSION BEGINS
1974 – Birthrate 14.9 (per 1000) – NO CHANGE – RECESSION ENDS
1975 – Birthrate 14.8 (per 1000) – SLIGHT DECREASE
1976 – Birthrate 14.8 (per 1000) – NO CHANGE
#2 Big Recession in 1980-1982: Iranian oil embargo, high interest rates, unemployment over 10% for 10 months
CLICK HERE to see for yourself that they did not decline, but actually increased before 1980, and then start rising again after 1981.
1977 – Birthrate 15.4 (per 1000) – INCREASE
1978 – Birthrate 15.3 (per 1000) – SLIGHT DECREASE
1979 – Birthrate 15.9 (per 1000) – INCREASE
1980 – Birthrate 15.9 (per 1000) – NO CHANGE – RECESSION BEGINS
1981 – Birthrate 15.8 (per 1000) – NO CHANGE – RECESSION
1982 – Birthrate 15.9 (per 1000) – INCREASE – RECESSION ENDS
#3 Big Recession in 2008-2009: Subprime mortgage crisis, Global Banking credit crisis
CLICK HERE to see for yourself the birthrates is the US year to year in the 2000’s. As you can see, there doesn’t seem to be a decline in births right before the housing crises either.
2005 – Birthrate 14.0 (per 1000) – NO CHANGE
2006 – Birthrate 14.3 (per 1000) – INCREASE
2007 – Birthrate 14.3 (per 1000) – NO CHANGE
2008 – Birthrate 14.0 (per 1000) – DECREASE – RECESSION STARTS
2009 – Birthrate 13.5 (per 1000) – DECREASE – RECESSION ENDS
2010 – Birthrate 12.9 (per 1000) – DECREASE
I’m not an economist, and maybe the authors of these research articles are using month to month birthrates or have different recessions in mind.
All I know is that as a layperson, it is hard to see that birthrates decline before great recessions.
I hope you also do your own due diligence when reading economic forecasts and news articles.
Your Invitation to Freedom – Mey’s Story
Back in 2011 I had over $30,000 in credit card and line of credit debt, was living paycheck to paycheck and was stressed out over my lack of success in my financial life.
In April of 2016, I became debt free and had a monthly passive income stream. I quit my job on December 23, 2016, and started doing my dream work of mentoring others on what I did to create the freedom to quit my job.
In 2017 we bought our first condo in Waikiki, and we went on 5 weeks of vacation (including a 7 day cruise to the Mexican Riviera)!!!
I spend most of my time doing what I dreamed of for years, spending my days with my son Jordan and my husband Jomel, enjoying motherhood and being a wife. I also enjoy researching Financial Freedom and sharing what I learn with my clients and on my blog.
If you want to learn more about how I can help take back control of your money and your time, then CLICK HERE, watch the free video and get started!
2 Replies to “What Birthrates Indicate About Economic Growth”
Very interesting to learn the waves of economic growth with births. Thanks for sharing!
Glad you enjoyed the article Alecia!