What Are My Chances of Becoming Financially Free?

What Are My Chances of Becoming Financially Free?

…hi, I’m Mey, a Super Mom, and I woke up early before my husband and son so that I could blog and spend more time in the evenings with both of them, and today’s topic is What Are My Chances of Becoming Financially Free?

…this is an important topic as less than 1% of the world is actually financially free…

…most people have to work for a living or depend on someone else who works for a living…

…and yet, there are people who are free…

…they took the actions and created a life where they work on their passions, and don’t need to work for the money anymore…

…so if you want to be financially free, what are your chances of getting your goal?

How Badly Do You Want to Be Financially Free?

…your chances are really the result of your desire to be financially free…

…how bad do you want it?

…if you enjoy your job and your current lifestyle and financial freedom is just a whim…

…then your chances are low…

…if you have a strong desire to stop going to a job and spending more time with your son or your daughter or your husband or your wife…

…if you have a strong desire to work on your own projects, be your own person, feed the children of the world, create better irrigation or sewer systems, conserve natural resources like our forests…


…then, the chances of you becoming Financially Free are 100%

What?  100%?  How Can My Chances Be 100%?

…I once read a great e-mail by a friend and mentor Keala who wrote that the chances I would succeed in my internet business were 100%…


…well, let’s say you want to have a black belt in Karate…

…and you go to practice, do what the teacher says, follow the work outs, learn the lessons and practice…

…then the chances of you becoming a black belt are 100%…

…it’s the same with anything, and Financial Freedom…

…I put together a Financial Freedom Checklist, that if you follow it, and do the steps, and they don’t take that long…

…then your chances of becoming financially free are also 100%…

…all you have to do is follow the steps and do the work!

What do you think are your chances of becoming financially free?

What steps are you going to take to get there?

If you are already financially free, what steps did you take to get there?

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2 Replies to “What Are My Chances of Becoming Financially Free?”

    1. Glad you only have to work a few hours a day Donna. Wonderful to hear about your journey to financial freedom!