Ukraine, Honolulu Short Term Rental Conflicts and Economic Cycles – How You Can Create Peaceful Resolutions

Ukraine, Honolulu Short Term Rental Conflicts and Economic Cycles – How You Can Create Peaceful Resolutions

Today I’m discussing Ukraine, Honolulu Short Term Rental Conflicts and Economic Cycles – How You Can Create Peaceful Resolutions.

There’s a lot of conflict in the news and in our communities, but did you know that Ray Dalio predicted it in his famous How The Economic Machine Works 30 minute video?

It is what happens when an economic cycle goes into a depression.

People have borrowed so much credit that they can’t pay it back anymore.

There are 3 solutions to this problem of too much debt and depression:

1) the lenders write off/forgive the debt – as an example, I had friends who declared bankruptcy in 2020.

2) There is a redistribution of wealth, by choice or by force – as an example, my real estate developer friend was asked to donate money constantly since 2020 by his city council representative.  He gave freely in the beginning, but stopped taking calls.  He got tired of being asked for money.  He is now driving across the mainland United States in a trailer to get away from it all

3) Conflict and War – people steal, Russia attacks Ukraine, Honolulu Government is trying to pass huge fees onto Small Business owners in Short Term Rental Market, etc

The world needs leaders who are brave and know how to make peace, and prevent or stop conflicts that result in loss of life, loved ones, businesses and community solidarity.

Instead of always asking rich people for money, we need to come up with ways to support small businesses and allow them to grow and provide jobs to the local community.

Asking for handouts just drives the entrepreneurs and wealthy out of the community.

Making laws that take money away from small business owners only shuts down their businesses, and forces them to find other places to make money outside of the local community.

So here is the call to you to Be a Peacemaker!

Look around your local area and get involved in your city council.

I have been meeting with our city council representatives and researching how to improve Bill 41, to allow small business owners to operate and avoid lawsuits.

This has involved researching, making presentations and being a resource to them as they navigate the laws coming from the current Mayor.

You can start with your family.

Maybe you have fights with your kids or your spouse.

Focus on communication and seeing things from the other side’s point of view.

Create a peaceful win-win outcome.

In this way, we can create real peace on this planet.

You might not be able to assist Ukraine, but there is plenty of work for you to do to help create peace.

Please leave a comment on what you have been doing to be a peacemaker in your community =)

Aloha and prayers to all those in Ukraine and Russia.  May a peaceful solution be found quickly and may the community find ways to work together amicably for a win win solution.

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