Top 5 Life Changing Books About Working Less And Playing More

Top 5 Life Changing Books About Working Less And Playing More

…would you like to work less and play more?

…if so, then these Top 5 books are must reads for you…

…buy them in the next 10 days…

…and finish reading them in 1 month and your life will transform beyond your wildest dreams…

  1. The 4 Hour Work Week

    …this was the first book that I read that talked about how to reduce your working hours so you can spend more time doing what you love…

    …this is assuming that your work is not what you love…

    …Timothy Ferris details how to change a full time job into only 4 hours a week…

    …he does this step by step, with easy to follow instructions…

    …he includes resources on outsourcing and how to use them…

    …also details exactly what to tell your boss to transition out of your job…

    …he even discusses a method to detail your dream goals and plan how much they will cost, and action steps to achieving them…

    …this is the most detailed how to book out there and a must read for anyone who wants to work less and play more…

  2. The 80/20 Principle

    …this is a classic that is recommended by The Four Hour Workweek…

    …it details studies of how to do 20% of the work to get 80% of the results in business…

    …it also looks in detail at investing and money, as well as how to make our everyday lives more fulfilling and happy…

    …this book is like a classic read…

    …all serious business owners know of this book and apply it to their businesses…

    …it may be a little dense, and not as fun to read as the 4 Hour Work Week, so I suggest you read that one first…

    …this book is extremely interesting and thought provoking once you get into it…

  3. The Cash Flow Quadrant

    …Robert Kiyosaki, a Hawaii born and raised author, wrote this book discussing the various types of ways to make cash or money…

    …there is the EMPLOYEE, the SELF-EMPLOYED, the INVESTOR, and the BUSINESS OWNER…

    …he discusses how the E and S quadrants are more time intensive, and the I and B quadrants do not require you to trade your time for money…

    …so in order to work less and play more, one has to be in the I or the B quadrant…

    …he discusses many examples and methods to move from one quadrant to the other…

    …he also details what a good investment is vs a bad investment…

    …this book is a must read for anyone serious about have money work for them and make less work and more play…

  4. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

    …a classic read recommended by most modern authors on wealth building…

    …this book details exactly the steps needed to create a fortune in any field…

    …it discusses the methods, what to do, and all the action steps you need to become rich…

    …and as the title suggests, it’s more about how to think properly that will get you the results that you are searching for…

    …now, the book is a little dated, so the English is older and may be harder to understand…

    …if you find it difficult to read then team up with someone who understands older English and create a mastermind around this book…

    …trust me, it is worth it!

  5. The Values Factor by Dr. John DeMartini

    …this book has scientifically tested exercises to follow to reprogram your brain cells to wealth building…

    …you can actually just focus on the chapter on financial freedom and it will probably take you a month or more to finish all of the exercises…

    …however, they take time because they are actually restructuring your brain as you follow them…

    …this book is based on work by Dr. John DeMartini, who has used the exercises time and again with people in his various seminars around the world…

    …I’ve done the exercises in that chapter and it took me about 3 months to complete them…

    …everytime I did an exercise my life and Networth improved…

    …it is because of this book that our business now has capital resources and investments…

    …we have a more sustainable business that we not take seriously…

    …we also have saved thousands in just a year’s time to sustain our personal and business goals…

    …read this book if you want to understand the science of your brain…

    …do the exercises to see results quickly begin to appear in the form of more money in your life…

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3 Replies to “Top 5 Life Changing Books About Working Less And Playing More”

  1. I have read Think and Grow….amazing. I am currently reading the 4 hour work week and it is brilliant! Made me laugh too! I will certainly investigate the others you have here too x thank you.

  2. Great post! Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.