Top 10 Topics To Stop Talking About If You Want To Become Financially Free ❤️

Top 10 Topics To Stop Talking About If You Want To Become Financially Free ❤️

Let’s talk about the Top 10 Topics To Stop Talking About If You Want To Become Financially Free.

What you talk about matters.

If you say something nice to someone you can see them light up right in front of you.

We have such power with our words.

So, if you want to be financially free, become aware of what you are talking about.

Here are the 10 most common topics to avoid if you want to become financially free.

#1 Competing for Who Has Less Money

I just heard a friend talking to his friend yesterday.

They were actually competing over who had less money, so that they could figure out how much each would make doing a job together.

Do you really want to win that competition?

#2 Convincing Someone You Need Money

When you spend thought, energy and words on talking about needing money, it just tells people, the universe and everything that you don’t have money.

In order to create wealth, the first step is to realize that you don’t need wealth, you are already wealthy.

#3 Complaining About Your Situation

T Harv Eker in his book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind talks about how complaining will only attract to you what you are complaining about.

So start praising and saying kind words instead.

#4 Gossiping About Another’s Situation

Honestly, another person’s life is none of your business.

Going around broadcasting their situation is not helpful to your financial freedom in anyway at all.

Talk to others about what you are learning to improve yourself instead.

#5 Competing for Who Has Less Free Time

I used to do this a lot.

I catch myself sometimes still doing this one.

I do it so I don’t have to do some house work and I want my husband or my son to do it instead.

This is not helpful for creating free time and a freedom lifestyle!

#6 Predicting The Future

Do you know what will happen in the future?

Then why are you talking about it?

What you do know about is the present.

#7 Rehashing The Past

Ooh, I am so guilty of this.

I’ve been gradually examining my subconscious mind and realizing all the stuff I have to let go of.

We are in the present, not the past!

#8 Saying Harsh Things About Yourself or Others

Be nice to yourself.

It feels good.

It will make you healthier, stronger, happier.

Say nice things to others and you will make them healthier, stronger and happier.

#9 The News

You can learn about the news but you don’t need to broadcast it or talk about it.

Talk about something lovely and amazing.

#10 Criticizing Wealthy People, Countries and Institutions

T Harv Eker in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind says we can practice blessing what we want.

If you want something, bless those who have what you want.

That way when you do receive it, you will bless yourself and feel good about it.


What you talk about matters.

If you are talking about these things, it’s ok!

Just stop, and talk about something that will create financial freedom in your life.

One suggestion would be to join our Finance Freedom Mastermind and talk about how to become financially free. Click here, fill in your information and enroll now!

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