There Are No Ordinary Moments, Satori and Finding Financial Freedom

There Are No Ordinary Moments, Satori and Finding Financial Freedom

…Mey here on a rainy and peaceful Tuesday evening, the in-laws are visiting from the Philippines and they are in the living room with my husband and Jordan watching Star Trek, and I’m blogging about the important topic There Are No Ordinary Moments, Satori and Finding Financial Freedom

…I have been reading the book Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives by Dan Millman, and reading this book will change your life…

…in it there is a part where the main character Dan is told by his teacher to sit on a stone in the back yard until he can think of something inspiring and enlightening to say…

…so Dan is stuck on this rock, sore and hungry for over 24 hours…

…he misses his classes and his gymnastics practice….

…thinking and thinking…

…finally he comes up with the enlightening thought…

There Are No Ordinary Moments

…so, there are no ordinary moments

…what does this mean?

…it means that the present…NOW…is always special, a miracle, an amazing and fantastic time to be alive…

…this moment and EVERY MOMENT is special…

…even when you think what you are doing doesn’t matter, like when I walk up the stairwell between floors in my bank…

…even that moment has meaning…

…you, here, reading this blog, is a special moment…

…understanding this is one of the keys to finding financial freedom…

…because I know a lot of people with a lot of money who are not free…

…freedom lies in your mindset…

…want to be financially free?

…well, there are no ordinary moments…

…enjoy the time you are living NOW…


…in the book, Dan’s teacher explains Satori by throwing a sharp dagger straight at his chest…

…Dan dodges and is scared and surprised…

…Dan’s teacher tells him that his focus and complete attention to that moment is Satori

…and it is important for us to be in a state of Satori, being fully awake and alive, at all times in our lives…

…you want to be financially free?

…do you appreciate the freedom that you already have right now?

…do you live fully alive?

Finding Financial Freedom

…becoming financially free is not something that difficult to do…

…you just have to save money, invest it wisely and live off of the dividends, interest, etc…

…most of the work can be done in less than an hour or two a month…

…the rest of the time you need to leave your money where it is (most people just find ways to spend it and that’s the only reason they aren’t free yet) and just enjoy your current life, free time, and not so free time…

…practicing how to be free in the mind…

…which you can do right now…

…I would start by reading the book that inspired this post…


…I love writing about Financial Freedom…

…I love sharing the knowledge that I have gathered, and helping others achieve their financial freedom…

…it’s a dream…

…are you living your dream?

…is there something that you love to share with the world too?

…something that the world needs?

…then go ahead and start blogging, and make money doing it…

CLICK HERE, watch the free video and get started today!

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4 Replies to “There Are No Ordinary Moments, Satori and Finding Financial Freedom”

  1. A lot of things Mey begin in the mind first before any action being physically taken. You were dead on with this post about starting with the mind before anything else. Thanks for the share!

    1. Thanks for checking out this post! Yes, start with the mind before anything else, and keep it at bay while you take the actions necessary to be financially free!

  2. Great post Meylysa, I need to add this book to my collection. I totally agree that we need to become more fully aware and live in the moment always!
    Much success to you,
    Danielle K Howell