The Top 7 Ideas That Will Make You Money

The Top 7 Ideas That Will Make You Money

Do you believe that ideas that will make you money?

Tell me the truth…

Do you think 7 specific ideas will make you money?

…doesn’t everything come from ideas?

…didn’t your job, or your current business which generates you money come from an idea in your head first?

…read on for these extremely valuable top 7 ideas that will make you money…

The Top 7 Ideas That Will Make You Money

1) I Can Make Money And Also Live A Fulfilling Life

…many people think that making a lot of money means that they have to hold multiple jobs and work, work, work all the time…

…maybe they feel like the higher paying jobs are not what they want to do…

…so they think that if they want to live a life where they are fulfilled by their family, or by the quality of what they do, then they have to give up on making money…

…this is a myth, and you can lead a fulfilling life that is meaningful to you AND make a lot of money too…

2) I Can Have Both Love and Money

…there is a common misconception of choosing between love and money…

…like one of those movies where the woman has 2 men who want to marry her…

…and one is handsome, poor and she loves him…

…and the other is rich, and old, however, he can pay for her mother’s needed surgery…or whatever…

…and she must choose between love and money!

…oh what shall she do?!?

…OK, that’s just a bunch of bull…

…because she could just easily be like the Disney star, who marries the handsome prince who is also very wealthy…

…and in the real world, there are plenty of wealthy people falling in love with each other and having healthy and loving relationships…

…because you can have both love and money if you choose…

3) Making Money Is My Duty and A Service To The World

…I used to think that I could choose to be poor and it would be spiritual…

…like how Buddha renounced his money and sat under a tree and meditated without eating…

…somehow I thought that it was a service to the world for me to be poor…

…then I found out that money really does serve the world…

…it builds hospitals, churches, schools…

…it funds education and research…

…it buys the food and clothes that feed the world…

…so then I realized that the more money that I made, the better I could serve the world…

…and that it was my duty to step it up and learn the skills to make money…

4) Being Wealthy Is Easy

…ah, this is the one that gets me still sometimes…

…do you think being wealthy is easy?

…if you do, then you are wealthy yes?

…so, why would anyone think that it is hard?

…wealth can come to people easily…

…as an example…

…I bought some dividend yielding stocks and they make me money every month…

…that was pretty easy…

…think this thought for a while and you will come up with ways to make being wealthy easy for you too!

5) I See Money Making Opportunities Everywhere

…if you look around with this thought, then money really will be easy to make…

…there are opportunities to make money everywhere…

…when I started looking for passive income…

…opportunities started to appear everywhere…

…it’s a lot easier to find when you have the right idea in your head opening your eyes…

6) I Enjoy Making Money

…some people feel like they have to work really hard to make money so they don’t enjoy it…

…well, making money can be very enjoyable…

…I just think back to before I made any money and it instantly brings me gratitude and appreciation that I know how to make money now…

…and enjoying it is even better!

…if you ever meet someone like Justin Verrengia or David Wood, you’ll see exactly what I mean that making money can be very enjoyable…

7) Being Extremely Wealthy Is My Birthright

…some people think only kings and queens were born into wealth…

…or are worthy of great wealth…

…I believe, and so will you when you adopt this thought for yourself, that being extremely wealthy is my birthright…

…and it is everyone’s birthright…

…we are all kings and queens who have the right to claim our kingdoms and the vast fortunes that come with them…

…it’s just a matter of accepting our greatness…


I have studied and experimented with different ideas for years and these 7 are going to make you lots of money, if you take them and believe them for yourself…

…all of them are true…

…if you believe them to be true for you…

…so do the work, adopt these ideas, say them in your head until they become natural for you…

…it’s time for you to make more money in your life…

…and it all starts with the right ideas…


Another great idea is I Am A Master of Making Money Online…

…you can CLICK HERE, get on my e-mail list, and watch the free video to start!

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6 Replies to “The Top 7 Ideas That Will Make You Money”

  1. Hi Mey! You’re right is all true and I know you’re a ‘master of making money online’ and that you like to help other people to do the same.

  2. Hi Meylysa,
    Some great points there. You cannot manifest into your life what you don’t believe to be achievable.
    Believe in your goals 🙂

    1. Thanks for the comment Wendy, I agree, money can only be manifested if we believe and have the right ideas!

  3. This is such a great post with beautiful affirmations! The thoughts that we continually have shape our outer reality! Change your beliefs, Change your life! Thank you so much for sharing such a great message!