The Steps to Create a Breakthrough

The Steps to Create a Breakthrough

The Breakthrough Experience by Dr. John DeMartini

The steps in this presentation are taken from the book The Breakthrough Experience, by Dr. John DeMartini.

I recommend you get this book for more details on the breakthrough experience.

He also has a seminar called The Breakthrough Experience.

Lighten Up

“Did you know that your true nature…is nothing but love and light? …You have unlimited access to a boundless energy…This universal order of love and light resides in the heart of all things, including your heart, and it opens up to you the minute you unlock it with the key of gratitude.

Once you recognize and attune with your Divine Source by balancing your mind, you have access to an infinite energy.” (p.23)

Dr. DeMartini literally means breakthroughs will occur when we create more light energy. Keep reading to see how he helps us do this.

Being Here Now

“…when two complementary particles…are brought together, they annihilate each other and birth light.”

“Every time you splinter yourself into positive and negative emotions, you scatter your light, dissipate your energy potential…When you bring your perceptions back into balance…the past and future disappear in an all-encompassing state of loving presence.” (pp. 25-26)

Dr. DeMartini uses our emotions as the keys to unlocking more light, and therefore the energy for us to have breakthroughs.

The Perfection of Two Sides

Dr. DeMartini then discusses how everything has two sides. If you think something that happens is all bad, then you’re missing something that is happening because of that which is all good.

He has the example of this young girl who wants to win the gold medal in gymnastics. Her coach is really hard on all the athletes, and Dr. DeMartini is hired to help the girl improve. He talks to the coach and the coach tells him that he is hard on the girls because he was hired by America to win Gold medals, not to make friends.

He said that in order to win the gold medal the girls have to be perfect.

Dr. DeMartini then explained to the young girl that he is tough because he knows how bad she wants to win Gold, so he will work her until she is perfect. He’s the tough side she needs, to offset the supportive side of her parents.

The two sides make a perfect balance.

Exercise #1

Dr. DeMartini suggests taking the time to eliminate guilt and shame over our past actions, to bring in a more balanced and loving perspective to our lives. This will literally make us feel lighter, releasing illnesses and barriers in our lives.

Follow these steps:

Think of something you are judging yourself for, and think deeply how it also helped you or others.

It’s impossible to harm someone without directly or indirectly helping them at exactly the same time, because everything is balanced.

Say until you believe it – “No matter what I have done or have not done, I am worthy of love.” (p. 44)

Exercise #2

1. Look back over your life and identify every single thing that you think was somehow negative…ask yourself “How was that an act of love? How did that serve me and others? How did that help me?” Don’t stop until you can give thanks for each one.

2. Then ask, “How did that help me become what I am today? How did that person or event bless me and contribute to my mission?” You’ll see that there was not one person or event that didn’t equilibrate you and wake you up.

3. Imagine what it would be like if you could not see anything else around you but perfect equilibrium, and the more clearly you saw it, the more you saw the divine assistance. When you know everything serves you, what can stop you?


Dr. John DeMartini uses physics to explain how opposing energies or particles coming together will annihilate each other to create light.

In order for us to create more light energy, and breakthroughs in our lives, we can also create light energy by making opposing emotions collapse into each other and form love.

Opposing emotions are those like elation and depression or happiness and sadness.

In order to neutralize these opposing emotions, we have to realize that everything has 2 sides. Then we see the balance and are no longer caught up in a one sided emotion.

Dr. DeMartini gave us 2 exercises to practice neutralizing these imbalance emotions, and create more light and love energy.

Following the exercises has let me release a lot of guilt and shame, which has led me to stop self destructive thinking.

I’ve gotten a lot of breakthroughs from using Dr. DeMartini’s methods.

Why don’t you just try it for yourself and see?!

About Mey Duldulao

Back in 2011 I had over $30,000 in credit card and line of credit debt, was living paycheck to paycheck and was stressed out over my lack of success in my financial life.

In April of 2016, I became debt free and had a monthly passive income stream. I quit my job on December 23, 2016, and started doing my dream work of mentoring others on what I did to create the freedom to quit my job.

In 2017 we bought our first condo in Waikiki, and we went on 5 weeks of vacation (including a 7 day cruise to the Mexican Riviera)!!!

In 2018 we bought our first investment property!

I spend most of my time doing what I dreamed of for years, spending my days with my son Jordan and my husband Jomel, enjoying motherhood and being a wife. I also enjoy researching Financial Freedom and sharing what I learn with my clients and on my blog.

If you want to learn more about how I can help take back control of your money and your time, then CLICK HERE, watch the free video and get started!

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