The Science of the Habits of Financially Free People: How to Achieve Results Fast

The Science of the Habits of Financially Free People: How to Achieve Results Fast

…Mey here on a warm Sunday evening, after a day of cycling, playing in the sand and the ocean, I write to you about The Science of the Habits of Financially Free People: How to Achieve Results Fast

…everything that we do automatically without having to thing about (driving a car, scrambling an egg, putting on our clothes) is the result of habits that we have formed…

…we need habits to learn new routines and function…

…however, there are habits that allow us also to be financially free as well…

…read on to learn about the Habits of People Who Are Financially Free

The Science

…there is a book called The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg, and in it he explains how are brains create habit loops…

…through many studies of people with brain damage, scientists have pinpointed certain properties of habits…

…first that they are unconscious to us and they consist of the following:

1) a cue – something that sets off the habit

2) the loop – going through the habit

3) the reward – the pleasurable feeling or something else that we enjoy getting by completing the habit

…for example, the author of the book analyzed his own habits and found that between 3pm and 4pm everyday he needed a break from his work (the cue), and the would go down to the cafeteria and eat a cookie (the loop), and then go back to his desk to work again (the reward)…

…he experimented and found out that it was the socializing with people in the cafeteria which was really what he craved…

…so he changed the habit…

…everyday at 3:30pm he gets up and looks for someone to talk to, and chats with them for ten minutes or so, and then goes back to his desk satisfied and ready to work again…

…this realization of the author has enabled him to lose 30 pounds!

The Habits of the Financially Free

…so, what are the habits of the financially free?

…what do they do that allows them to be that 1% of the population that does not have to work for money?

1) Mornings are Your Time – The Financially Free tend to use their mornings as their own time, they schedule in meditation and gratitude practice, and exercise, and planning and prioritizing of what they want to accomplish for the day

2) They Save Money – The Financially Free save money to invest WISELY, they are conservative and measure their risks…

3) They Schedule Time Doing What They Love – The Financially Free are different from just rich people in that they do not spend all of their time at a job, they live a balanced life of work and play and they love what they do.

4) They Speak Empowering Words to Themselves – Our thoughts are things and the financially free have talked their way to freedom by saying things in their heads like “Opportunities for making money are everywhere”, “I’m and excellent money manager”, “My passive income grows everyday”…

5) Right Before Bed Is Your Time – The Financially Free take the time before bed to reflect on the day, learn what they need to, and reflect on what they are grateful for, meditate and allow their brain to relax and be in a grateful state when entering sleep…


…take the time to examine your own habits with money, and with your time…

…because those who are financially free have earned back their time to do with as they wish…

…as you understand your own habits, then you will be able to begin to change them into those above…

…and become financially free faster

…share your thoughts on this post in the comments below…

…also, I always like to end my blogs with a little background of the author…

…I started blogging after thinking about my own interests and my passions with a personal coach…

…I realized that I love to write, read and talk to people…

…and blogging was the best way to do that and make money as well…

…so here I am blogging about what I love and making money doing it…

…if you have something that you are passionate about, then I invite you to blog about it…

…someone out there is searching the internet right now to exactly what you have to offer…

CLICK HERE, Watch the Free Video, and Get Started!

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6 Replies to “The Science of the Habits of Financially Free People: How to Achieve Results Fast”

  1. Mey – I love this book!! I love how to so concisely summarized it! I particularly your points on how to be financially free! SO SPOT ON!! I can’t wait to read your next post!!

    1. Thanks Mary, I’m glad you enjoyed it. It wonderful to enjoy in the successes of others.