The 5 Most Powerful Affirmation Hacks That Create Financial Freedom

The 5 Most Powerful Affirmation Hacks That Create Financial Freedom

…what are affirmations and how can they literally change my life?

…about 4 years ago I decided that I wanted to get married…

…well, whenever I get super focused on something I make affirmations about it and say them, repeat them and think them everyday…

…what are affirmations?

…they are words that you say, think, read, write on a daily basis that chnage your thinking and thus allow you to create what you want…

…read this post on how to make extremely powerful affirmations that will reprogram your brain now!

  1. Be Grateful Affirmations

    …the first affirmation I ever learned was the gratitude affirmation…

    …what you do is say “I’m so happy and grateful now that (fill in the blank)…

    …in the case of financial freedom, you can say…

    “I’m so happy and grateful now that I can afford anything.”

    “I’m so happy and grateful that I can focus on my calling in life, and work steadily on my dreams”

    “I’m so happy and grateful that I have more and more continuous streams of passive income flowing into my bank account”

    “I’m so happy and grateful that I get to go on vacations more often, to wherever I want, and I can bring whoever I want, for any duration that I choose!”

    “I’m so happy and grateful that now I have the time to focus more on my health, by being more relaxed and also being able to spend the time to eat healthier food.”

    “I’m so happy and grateful that I have more than enough money to serve my community when they need me, and also the time to actually focus on the projects that I’m interested in…such as child financial education, and building better schools (you fill in your cause here)…

    hack image

  2. Taking What You Want For Granted Affirmations

    …this is the opposite and equally as powerful…

    …you know when you already have what you want, you start to say certain things because you actually start to take what you have for granted…

    …it’s a natural tendency and a great way to make very powerful affirmations…

    …when I wanted to get married I would say “My Husband is here”, because that would be what I would say all the time…

    …at first it was really awkward, and then you get comfortable saying it…

    …and that’s the powerful part…

    …here are some for financial freedom to get you started…

    “I’ll call our financial advisor and have him coordinate the endowment fund you want to start”

    “Our passive income increased 12% this month!”

    “Awesome, made another $2,000 while we were sleeping last night”

    “Be sure to always feel grateful for our wealth and freedom, remember how it took us a while to get here”

    “Less than 1% of the world are financially free darling” (said to your spouse or your children when you run into people don’t understand you lifestyle)

    “I get so excited still looking at our bank account, I guess it still feels like a dream to me!”

    “So, how can we be of greater service today”?

    “Be sure to budget in a raise for the staff”

    “Well, if you want to staff you can, my Mom and I will be fine with Jordan” (said when my husband wants to volunteer staff seminars like PSI 7 or MLS)

    “Let’s find out where my sister is and hang out with her for a couple of weeks. It will be fun!” (my sister is often traveling around, touring and also writing her books)

    “Darling, what can we do to help?” (said when there is a challenge in the community that we want to help out with, such as improving the Hawaiian public education situation, or helping the homeless, or building that school Lawrence wants in Africa…)

    …have fun with this! personalize it to you!

  3. Making progress affirmations

    …sometimes people have a hard time saying an affirmation when they know it isn’t true yet…

    …so then use the making progress affirmations, as they are true…

    …for example:

    “I’m so glad I’m becoming more financially free everyday”

    “I track my networth daily and keep a success journal” (do this of course)

    “I am creating a financially free mindset that is transforming my life”

    “I am planting the seed of financial freedom and it’s growing stronger everyday”

    “Everyday I get better at recognizing and taking opportunities for financial freedom that I didn’t see before”

    “I do what it takes everyday to improve my finances”

  4. Stating the Truth Affirmations (that reinforce what you already have)

    …these are the most profound because they are already true…

    …they reinforce the thoughts and power that we already have…

    …in terms of financial freedom, here are some examples:

    “I live in the moment, and am free in every moment”

    “I am grateful for all the money I have right now!”

    “I am giving a great service to the world”

    “I love and accept you exactly as you are” (said to yourself while looking in the mirror)

    “I deserve all the wealth, freedom and abundance that I can imagine”

    “I know the next step to take for my freedom”

    “I am proud to be me”

    “All of the power of the universe is in me right now, and I know how to bring it forth to serve, life and love fully”

    …you know what to do honey!

  5. Questioning Affirmations (Afformations)

    …some give these another name, like powerful questions or afformations…

    …what you do is instead of making statements, ask yourself empowering questions…

    …when you ask yourself questions your brain searches for answers…

    …and you also take whatever is in the question for granted as being true…

    …truly powerful stuff…

    …in the case of financial freedom, you can say:

    “How can I be of service today”

    “How can I live to my fullest potential?”

    “How can I help Lawrence build that school?”

    “How can I create another stream of passive income?”

    “How can I reduce my expenses today”

    “How can I increase my cash flow today”

    “What is my dream vacation now?”

    “What is the best way to teach others how to be financially free?”

    “What opportunity is there today for my financial freedom?”

    “Who should I talk to today to get the advice or support that I need?”

    “What book should I read to improve my financial freedom today?”

…do you know any other powerful affirmation techniques?

…let us know by sharing them in the comments!

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10 Replies to “The 5 Most Powerful Affirmation Hacks That Create Financial Freedom”

  1. Lovin this Post!! Thank you so much for going deep with each Style of Affirmations And Im Excited you included Afformations! Thank you!

    1. Thanks for the comment Tara! Glad you got value from these affirmations!

  2. You know what Meylysa? Many people have many excuses in creating affirmation.

    One of the biggest is that “affirmations aren’t the truth”.

    Thanks to your post I realized that there is a solution for that with “making progress affirmations” 🙂

    1. Hi Michael, glad you found the making progress affirmations useful. A lot of people like those for the very reason you stated!

    1. Hi Tom, thanks for the comment. I agree with you on how it’s important to remember to be grateful for what we have!

  3. This is a great list of affirmations and afformations to use Mey!

    One of my favorites is “Why am I so successful?” and let my mind come up with all of the answers to that question.

    Best of Success,