The 4 Parts to the Magic Bullet to Financial Freedom
Did you know that bullets have 4 parts?
They are the
1) case
2) primer
3) powder
4) bullet
My hairdresser is actually a hunter, and he taught me this at my hair cut appointment yesterday evening.
What does this have to do with you and getting the money you need to live your dreams?
You see, my hairdresser makes his own bullets.
And I’m going to show you the 4 parts to a magic bullet that I use every month to reach Financial Freedom.
Before I tell you the 4 parts, I want to tell you a little bit more about the benefits of custom made bullets for my hunter hairdresser.
You see, they match the gun he’s using, and they have more precision and accuracy.
Precision and accuracy are 2 different things.
Precision means that you can repeat the same shot, over and over and over.
Accuracy means you can get close to the target.
So back to our magic Financial Freedom Bullet.
The first part of the bullet is the case, or what we call your Net Worth. It holds your whole wealth information inside it.
The 2nd part of the bullet is the primer, which makes the powder explode. In our magic bullet, that is the Cash Flow.
The 3rd part of the bullet is the powder, and that is our explosive Passive Income.
The 4th part of the magic bullet is the Financial Freedom account, which is the bullet that shoots out of our gun.
We have custom-made magic bullets, each of our mastermind members calculates their own Net Worth, Cash Flow, Passive Income and Financial Freedom Account every month.
Then we fire our magic bullet every month, by charting our numbers and tracking them.
Each of us is different, so our guns use our own personal magic bullets.
As we get better at shooting our magic bullets, we end up getting closer and closer to our Financial Freedom goal (accuracy) and we create consistent passive income every month (precision).
This is the secret to our magic bullets, and our skills on the firing range of Financial Freedom.
I’ve just given it to you, the instructions for making your own magic Financial Freedom bullets, so start crafting your own bullets.
Be brave, looking at and writing down these 4 numbers takes a lot of courage.
I’ve seen people who are afraid to make their bullets and never even get to take their shot.
IF YOU WANT TO BE FREE, you need to shoot your magic bullet every month.
Some of you might be wondering how you can calculate those numbers.
Your Net Worth is everything you own minus everything you owe.
Your Cash Flow is the money you make minus the money you spend every month.
Your passive income is the money you make without working.
Your Financial Freedom account is the money you’ve put aside for your financial freedom.
Got it?
You going to make your magic bullet?
Are you going to shoot for Freedom?
I believe you will!
If you want to get started and are having difficulty motivating yourself, I highly recommend you get a Financial Freedom coach to help you make your magic bullet every month.
Want to make an appointment?
Your Financial Freedom coach will teach you how to calculate your Net Worth, Cash Flow, Passive Income and Financial Freedom account.
They will guide you to passive income investments and help you with any questions that you have on your journey to Financial Freedom.
Coaches make between $170/month to over $3,000/month in consistent passive income.
They are ready to share their knowledge with you, step by step, so you can make your own passive income and hit your Financial Freedom goal!
Finally…you can get the hands on guidance with someone who is walking the talk.
Better hurry now though, year end is approaching fast and I have only 20 spots guaranteed.
If you want to grab one of those spots, you have to act quickly…like immediately.
Seriously, act right now!
I don’t know about you, but for me, I will go through the process of custom making my magic bullets to get the passive income and freedom for my family.
My mastermind members take the time to craft their magic bullets every month to create their freedom.
Will you?
CLICK HERE for your personal Finance Freedom coach!
One Reply to “The 4 Parts to the Magic Bullet to Financial Freedom”
Great bullets! It is amazing how it works when you stick to it, which is the hard part. Thanks for your guidance and motivation Mey.