Take the One Year Finance Freedom Makeover

Take the One Year Finance Freedom Makeover

Take the One Year Finance Freedom Makeover and see how much your finances can improve in just 1 year!

You might not know this but to become financially free you need to have the skills and habits of a financially free person.

If I gave you $10,000, what would you do with it?

If your answer was to spend it, then that is exactly why you are not financially free.

If your answer was to take 10% or more and invest it in your financial freedom, and divide the rest into your predetermined categories (necessities, savings for spending, education, play), then I would say you are well on your way to being financially free.

So how can you change into this kind of person with the habits for financial freedom?

I’m talking about you, the one reading this.

How can you in your everyday real life actually change your habits and start making better financial decisions?

Well, it’s probably not going to happen over night, but over a year you’d be amazed to see what’s possible for you.

I challenge you to take the One Year Finance Freedom Makeover.

What Is The One Year Finance Freedom Makeover?

The One Year Finance Freedom Makeover is a program designed to change your money habits over the course of 1 year.

After that year, you will be able to see exactly how much your finances have improved, you will have new skills and habits that create financial freedom.

What New Skills and Habits Do You Master in the One Year Finance Freedom Makeover?

Track Your Net Worth – You will learn how to calculate and keep track of your Net Worth. This is the true measure of your wealth.

Identify Assets and Liabilities – You will learn to identify what an asset is (puts money in your pocket) and a liability (takes money out of your pocket).

Track Your Cash Flow – You will also learn how to calculate and track your cash flow. This will let you understand the money coming in every month and where it is going, and how to redirect it towards passive income generating assets.

Create a Financial Freedom Account – You are going to create an account for your financial freedom

Generate Passive Income – You will also learn how to generate passive income, first with a high yield savings account and next with dividend yielding stocks of your choice.

Analyze Return On Investment – Finally, you will learn to analyze the return on investment on different investments, including real estate.

Introduction to Crypto Currency – You will also get an introduction to crypto currency.

At the end of the year, you’ll be able to see the change in your Net Worth, Passive Income, Cash Flow and your Financial Freedom Account.

What Is The Time Commitment?

You need 40 minutes a week to watch a training video, and another hour to actually do what is taught in the training video. So about 2 hours total time per week.

If you want optimal results, then I strongly suggest you join the Wednesday Office Hour at 6:15am HST which under daylight savings time is currently 12:15pm EST.

You will get better results joining a live meeting every week, as it will hold you accountable, and it is fun to work on financial freedom with other people.

You can also get help, ask questions, and review any information that you are not clear on.

How Do I Take The One Year Finance Freedom Makeover?

CLICK HERE, read through the free information and sign up!

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