Books There Are No Ordinary Moments, Satori and Finding Financial Freedom

There Are No Ordinary Moments, Satori and Finding Financial Freedom

…Mey here on a rainy and peaceful Tuesday evening, the in-laws are visiting from the Philippines and they are in the living room with my husband and Jordan watching Star Trek, and I’m blogging about the important topic There Are No Ordinary Moments, Satori and Finding Financial Freedom…

…I have been reading the book Way of The Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman, and reading this book will change your life…

…in it there is a part where the main character Dan is told by his teacher to sit on a stone in the back yard until he can think of something inspiring and enlightening to say…

…so Dan is stuck on this rock, sore and hungry for over 24 hours…

…he misses his classes and his gymnastics practice….

…thinking and thinking…

…finally he comes up with the enlightening thought…

Business How Internet Marketing Can Create Financial Freedom

How Internet Marketing Can Create Financial Freedom

…Mey here on a beautiful breezy Saturday writing about How Internet Marketing Can Create Financial Freedom

…so, as you know I am a blogger…

…and what you may not know is that I’m a part of a community of bloggers and internet marketers and I’ve learned a lot of secrets and tricks of the trade…

…I’m going to give you an introduction to how internet marketing can create financial freedom…

…so that you can make an informed decision on whether you want to use internet marketing to help create your financial freedom…

Inspiration Financial Freedom Myths and Legends

Financial Freedom Myths and Legends

Mey here on a cool Thursday morning bringing to you Financial freedom myths and legends…

…I think I’m still waking up and I have the entire Universe of stories still alive in my head…

…I even did my kungfu warmup this morning, which I haven’t done in years…

…so sit back and enjoy…

About Jomel How Do Parents Become Financially Free?

How Do Parents Become Financially Free?

Mey here on a Veteran’s Day Wednesday blogging about the all important question How Do Parents Become Financially Free?

…as a parent myself I understand the challenges, working diligently to diaper train our little Jordan and with that and playing with him and working full time jobs…

…even then though, we are increasing our passive income and decreasing our expenses all the time…

…and that is all you need to do to become financially free…

…so if you are a parent and you feel like you are struggling to become financially free…

…then take these words of advice…

Planning and Action Who Is Your Greatest Ally In Your Financial Freedom

Who Is Your Greatest Ally In Your Financial Freedom

…Mey here blogging on a sunny Tuesday morning on Who Is Your Greatest Ally In Your Financial Freedom?

…sometimes it’s important to find people who will support you, rally for you, and keep you going when you need help…

…this may be a friend or a relative, or a teacher or a coworker…

…whoever it is, you need to identify who your greatest ally is…

…and you need to stick by them…

About Mey How Much of the Education of Children Is Our Responsibility?

How Much of the Education of Children Is Our Responsibility?

…Mey here doing a quickie blog on How Much of Children’s Education Is Our Responsibility?

…this was inspired by what I heard from a student teacher…

…that the teacher she is observing teaches remedial math…

…and she calls the students names…

…these students are not by children and yet, I feel I’m responsible for them, and all of the education for all children…

…and the basis of that education needs to be founded on love…

…I don’t think most people would do anything about this after hearing it…

…what would you do?

About Mey How Valuable Is Your Time?

How Valuable Is Your Time?

Mey here on a cool Thursday morning, with the rain gently patting on the plants outside of my window, writing to you about one of the key questions to your financial freedom…How Valuable Is Your Time?

…to me, all of our financial freedom journey or quest really comes down to this one idea of the value of our time…

…because money isn’t what we are ultimately after when we want to be financially free…

…of course, we do need enough money to support ourselves and allow us to make choices regarding our lifestyle…

…the real indicator though of freedom is the value of our time…

…we want to have control over our own time…

…we want to be able to spend our time our way, by our own choice…

How Valuable Is Your Time?

…so, here are some questions to help you realize how much value you are putting on your time…

…most people agree that the most precious times in their lives are with their children and family…

…to be there for them for sporting events, or weddings, or just to play with your kids and share with each other on a daily basis…

…so do you take the time to do that?

Inspiration Why Is Financial Abundance Everywhere?

Why Is Financial Abundance Everywhere?

…Mey here on a breezy and starry Wednesday evening, while my husband and son are out enjoying the night air together, blogging about Why Is Financial Abundance Everywhere?

…what is your reaction to that question?

…are you thinking that it isn’t everywhere in your life?

…or are you thinking of all the abundance in your life that you didn’t really notice before?

…I pose this question on purpose because it is truly how I feel, and it triggers in the brain that we need to pay attention because financial abundance is everywhere!

…think about it, I have this amazing computer with a wireless mouse and keyboard that I’m blogging on daily to help people all over the world become financially free…

…it’s the most amazing experience and it’s possible because of how rich, prosperous and wealth we all are living in the US, or UK, or Taiwan, or wherever it is that you live…

…you are reading this right now which means you are just swimming in a boundless sea of financial wealth and abundance…

A Spiritual Renegade guide to the Good Life Stealing, Giving and Your Financial Freedom Karma

Stealing, Giving and Your Financial Freedom Karma

…hi, this is Mey on a beautiful Tuesday morning, blogging to you today about Stealing, Giving and Your Financial Freedom Karma…

…I was inspired by the book A Spiritual Renegade’s Guide to the Good Life by Lama Marut…

…he has a part in the book where he talks about the big 10 actions to avoid so that we can enjoy good karma…

…it’s like the 10 commandments…

…and one of them was about stealing…

…if you want to have people in your life who giving and honest, then you have to be that way too yes?

…well, if you steal, then people are going to enter into your life who will steal from you…

…read on to learn about how to change your karma to help you become financially free…

Mindset Why You Matter…Why You Are Powerful

Why You Matter…Why You Are Powerful

…Mey here on Monday morning bright and early blogging about Why You Matter…Why You Are Powerful…

…what does this have to do with Financial Freedom you say…EVERYTHING…

…you see, we create in the world what we ARE…

…if you are financially free then those people around you will be inspired to become financially free as well…

…we all lead by example…

…let me tell you a story with my experience and maybe you can relate too…

…I used to bike to work when I was working in downtown Honolulu…

…I would get in the elevator in my bike clothes every morning and at the end of the work day…

…one day, a lady who I did not know came up to me and said “I saw you biking in and out of work everyday and it inspired me, so I started working out at the gym everyday, and I wanted to thank you.”…