About Mey Do You Lend Money To Your Friends?

Do You Lend Money To Your Friends?

Mey here on a breezy cool Tuesday evening, to boys went grocery shopping and left me to speed blog about today’s HOT topic – Do You Lend Money To Your Friends?

…I did a scope (live video on the Periscope app) today and asked this question, and got a lot of interesting responses…

…one lady had lent money to her brother, and was still waiting for him to pay her back…

…she said he was going through hard times…

…and that HE’S ALWAYS going through hard times…

…another live viewer from Vermont said that they never lend money to friends, if it’s under $100 they just give them the money…

…said it’s not worth the emotional hassle…

…tell me about it!

…some people are good about paying back money and some just are not at all!

…what happens when someone stops paying you back and they still owe you money?