Summary of Getting Rich Your Own Way by Brian Tracy

Summary of Getting Rich Your Own Way by Brian Tracy

When I saw the book Getting Rich Your Own Way by Brian Tracy I was immediately drawn to it.

How can I get rich my own way?

What if I’m a mom and a housewife?

How do you get rich doing what you love if it’s being a homemaker?

I dived in and here’s my summary of Getting Rich Your Own Way by Brian Tracy.

Definition of Wealth – Wealth is Cash Flow from other sources. When he says other sources he means other than your own time and sweat.

He gives 5 ways to get rich:

  1. Become an Entrepreneur
  2. Work Your Way Up
  3. Become a Professional
  4. Get into Sales
  5. All Others

He gives 10 ways to leverage your assets (what you have that makes money) to become Financially Independent:

  1. Specialized Knowledge
  2. Master Your Craft
  3. Money Is Power – build a systematic savings system, get out of debt, build a cash reserve
  4. The People You Know
  5. You Are a Genius – creativity is a form of leverage
  6. Good Work Habits – get the job done quickly and well
  7. A Positive Mental Attitude
  8. The Luck Factor
  9. Energy – proper diet, exercise, and proper rest. Successful people work longer hours, smarter, are more productive
  10. Choose the Right Job – or occupation, you gotta love what you do. If you won a million dollars in the lottary tomorrow, would you continue to work your current job? If the answer is No, you are in the wrong job.
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