Summary of Bruce Lipton’s The Grand Convergence: The New Science of the Body-Mind-Spirit Trinity

Summary of Bruce Lipton’s The Grand Convergence: The New Science of the Body-Mind-Spirit Trinity


Today’s post is a summary of the talk at the Agape Spiritual Center that happenned today, by Cell Biologist Bruce Lipton entitled The Grand Convergence: The New Science of the Body-Mind-Spirit Trinity.

…if you are wondering what a cell biologist does, they do things like research dna, grow cells, reproduce cells in petri dishes, and so on…

…he was doing his biology work and had a spiritual revelation…

…he said it was the first time that he had felt his heart…

…and his ultimate conclusion was that we never die, and that we are all the same inside…

…he goes through a process of first explaining that DNA research has led to a false belief in society…

…people think that their genes determine their health and it just isn’t true…

…there is no way to turn a gene on or turn it off…

…in fact, the gene that Angelina Jolie had for breast cancer only manifests in 50% of the people who have it…

…so if genes determine your health, how come they all don’t get sick?

…it’s because of environment…

…so what is environment?

…it’s belief…

…if you believe that you have cancer then you will…

…if you believe that you are healthy and can run a marathon when you aro 90, then you will…

…he goes on to show how our mind sends signals to our body that creates the reality that we BELIEVE…

…so if we picture ourselves in the arms of our soulmate, then it will happen…

…if we construct it in our mind, we then send those signals to our body to make it real…

…he goes on to discuss a very critical point as well…

…he goes on to say that the reason we often don’t manifest what we desire is that we don’t have 1 mind, we have 2…

…our conscious mind and our subconscious mind…

…and the reason that we will think of one thing and yet it doesn’t happen is that our conscious mind only controls 5% of what we do, and our subconscious mind controls the other 95%…

…which is a good thing, because we don’t want to have to think about how to breath, or chew our food, or walk or drive…

…we however, want to change the negative programs to positive programs…

…the only way to do this is through habit formation and also through hypnosis…

…Bruce also says that he has resources to reprogram the mind in only 5 minutes at his website

…hope you enjoyed this quick summary!

…the talk was so detailed with a lot more information so feel free to check it out at AGAPELIVE

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4 Replies to “Summary of Bruce Lipton’s The Grand Convergence: The New Science of the Body-Mind-Spirit Trinity”

  1. Glad there is research on this to help people make the right connections with life events and create change for their future! Thanks for sharing this info!

    1. Hi Carmen! Thanks for visiting my blog =) Yes, it’s really fascinating to hear it from a cell biologist…

    1. Hi Walter, yes, I’ve been blogging for over 2 years now! On and off, though now I blog everyday =)