Story Time – The Power of This Moment

Story Time – The Power of This Moment

…Mey here early on Wednesday sharing with you Story Time – The Power of This Moment

…I watched our Agape Sunday Service last night, my online church community with Micheal Beckwith…

…and he shared with us a powerful story about The Power of This Moment…

…so there was a lady who wrote a list of everything she needed…

…she wrote down that next month she was going to need to pay her rent, pay her car payment, buy clothes for her kids, put food in her fridge…

…she put the list in a drawer, closed the drawer and started to pray…

…then she heard a voice that asked “What do you need?”…

…and she opened the drawer, pulled out her list, and read “I need to pay the rent, pay my car payment, buy clothes for my kids, put food in the fridge by next month”…

…and the voice asked again “What do you need?”…

…and she read the list again, she thought maybe she forgot something, “I need to pay the rent, pay my car payment, buy clothes for my kids, put food in the fridge by next month”…

…and the voice asked again “What do you need now?”…

…and she said “now? you mean now now?  Oh, now I’m GOOD”…

…so the point of the story is that in this moment we already have everything that we need…

…and if we expand that knowing, into our eternal Now which is the only moment that we ever have…

…then we will relax in the knowing that we already have everything we need…

…and manifest the abundance that is already in our hearts…

…our hearts that have more neurons than our brains…

…so enjoy the power of this moment…

…and thank you for joining me for story time…

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2 Replies to “Story Time – The Power of This Moment”

  1. Wow! This is such a powerful lesson Mey! We’ve been reading very similar teachings in Rhonda Byrne’s book “The Magic.” We completely agree that when we feel love and gratitude for everything in the present, the rest naturally follows. Thank you for sharing your light to help others.

    1. Thanks Brian and Felicia, I love listening to you reading the chapters from The Magic. I’m glad you like this post on the present.