Secret Mind Programming Exercises That Make You Think, Act Like And Become Financially Free

Secret Mind Programming Exercises That Make You Think, Act Like And Become Financially Free

…did you know that if you think like a wealthy person then you become a wealthy person?

…there are ways to teach yourself to think, act like and become financially free…

…read on to learn the secret exercises that will program your brain to think, act like and become financially free now…

  1. I’m Grateful For… I Appreciate…

    …did you know that what you appreciate appreciates (grows)?

    …if you think it isn’t true, then think about this…

    …if you had a boyfriend or girlfriend and you appreciated them, told them how much you loved them, told them how much you cared…

    …wouldn’t they want to stay around?

    …wouldn’t their love for you grow too?

    …it’s the same with EVERYTHING in your life…

    …you want a sexier body, appreciate it!

    …you want more money and financial freedom, appreciate all of the money that you have in your life right now!

    …the following exercises are based on the books The Values Factor: The Secret to Creating an Inspired and Fulfilling by Dr. John DeMartini,
    You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay,
    and Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth by T Harv Eker…


    1) I’M GRATEFUL FOR MY BILLS – When you get a bill, be sure to take the time to appreciate the fact that the bank or your lender TRUSTED you and lent you that money knowing that you would pay it back…

    …write the check to pay it, or however you send your payment…

    …do it with love in your heart, pretend to kiss the money and wish your biller good health and prosperity…

    2) I’M GRATEFUL FOR ALL MY MONEY – When you carry money, order it nicely and keep it dry and clean…

    …tell your money that you love it…

    …when you get paid, say thank you for receiving all of your pay…

    …talk about how much you love and appreciate all of the money that you have to yourself and to others…

    …hang around others who appreciate and only say nice things about money…

    …count your money on a regular basis and track your Net Worth (What you have MINUS What you owe) and make sure you know where it is going to and coming from…

    …when you find a penny on the street, pick it up lovingly, clean it off and add it to your financial freedom account…

    3) I’M GRATEFUL FOR ALL THAT I HAVE – When you wake up in the morning, think about all of the wonderful things that you have in your life…

    …your warm home, your loving family, your car and/or bike, your healthy body, your sofa and bed and furniture…

    …feel how abundant your life already is!

    Click Here to Learn More About I’m Grateful For… I Appreciate…

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  2. Dreamlining

    …most people don’t ever take the time to plan out what their dreams are and how much they would actually cost…

    …if they did, they would achieve them!

    …this exercise is from The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
    and it’s called Dreamlining…

    …immediately after doing this exercise, I started living one of my dreams, to surf everyday…

    …your dreams are closer than you can imagine…

    DREAMLINING (from pp. 54-60 of The Four Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss)

    1) What would you do if there were no way you could fail If you were 10 times smarter than the rest of the world?
    …Create 2 timelines – 6 months and 12 months – and list up to five things you dream of having (house, car, clothing…), being (Be a great cook…), and doing (visiting Thailand, tracing your roots overseas…)in that order.

    2) Drawing a Blank?
    …consider these questions:
    a. What would you do, day to day, if you had $100 million in the bank?
    b. What would make you most excited to wake up in the morning to another day?

    Don’t rush-think about it for a few minutes. If still blocked, fill in the five “doing” spots with the following:
    one place to visit
    one thing to do before you die (a memory of a lifetime)
    one thing to do daily
    one thing to do weekly
    one thing you’ve always wanted to learn

    3) What does “Being” entail doing?
    Convert each being into a “doing” to make it actionable. Itdentify an action that would characterize this sate of being or a task that would mean you had achieved it. People find it easier to brainstorm “being” first, but this column is just a temporary holding spot for “doing” actions. here are a few examples:

    Great cook -> make Christmas dinner without help
    Fluent in Chinese -> have a five-minute conversation with a Chinese co-worker

    4) What are the four dreams that would change it all?
    Using the 6-month timeline, star or otherwise highlight the four most exciting and/or important dreams from all columns. Repeat the process with the 12-month timeline if desired.

    5) Determine the cost of these dreams and calculate your Target Monthly Income (TMI) for both timelines.
    If financeable, what is the cost per month for each of the four dreams (rent, mortgage, payment plan installments, etc.)? Start thinking of income and expense in terms of monthly cash flow – dollars in and dollars out – instead of grad totals. Things often cost much, much less than expected…

    …Last, calculate your Target Monthly Income (TMI) for realizing these dreamlines. This is how to do it: First, total each of the columns A, B, and C, counting only the four selected dreams. Some of these column totals could be zero, which is fine. Next, add your total monthly expenses x 1.3 (the 1.3 represents your expenses plus a 30% buffer for safety and savings). This grand total is our TMI…I like to further divide this TMI by 30 to get my TDI-Target Daily Income…

    6) Determine three steps for each of the four dreams in just the 6-month timeline and take the first step now.

    Click Here to Download Your Dreamline Worksheet (Excel format)

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  3. Learning To Value Financial Freedom

    …most people have no clue how to become financially free…


    …because they don’t actually value financial freedom…

    …WHAT you might ask?

    …think about it, you know everything about what you value…

    …say you love one particular video game, well you know all of the players, what’s in all the levels, how to score points…you know it all…

    …because you VALUE IT…

    …well, you want to be financially free???

    …if you REALLY WANT IT, then you have to work for it and learn about it…

    …this next exercise took me 2 months to do!

    …however, it changed my life, and right after I finished it we opened savings accounts for our personal money and our business, and have more money saved than ever in only half a year!

    …the longer and harder it is to complete this exercise…the more you have to do it to become financially free…

    …if it’s easy for you, then you are probably already financially free or very close to it…

    …this next exercise is taken from the book The Values Factor: The Secret to Creating an Inspired and Fulfilling Life by Dr. John DeMartini…

    Exercise 1: Learning to Value Financial Freedom (The Values Factor by Dr. John DeMartini pp. 234-237)

    Step 1: On a separate page or on your computer, answer each of the following questions. Make sure you answer each question thoughtfully, and make sure you provide each of the two hundred answers per question that I have specified.

    You will get the greatest results from this exercise by completing it thoroughly. You need two hundred answers for each question to truly shift wealth-building to a higher spot on your list of values.

    You also need to expend this amount of mental effort to re-myelinate new pathways in your brain in order to neuroplastically transform your brain. If these two hundred answers were easily obtained quickly off the top of your head, you would have already been well into your journey of wealth building and your life would have already demonstrated that you had made those connections.

    Just as in fitness training, it takes more and more reps to get results beyond your present comfort zone and ability level, so in this mental work, you do need to expend some extra effort to transform your thinking and your brain.

    So dig for legitimate and powerfully meaningful answers. Persevere until you can genuinely see that your perceptions, decisions, and actions have truly transformed with regard to your financial management.

    1. How can building a business that serves ever-greater numbers of people be of great service, value, and benefit to you? Answer that question at least two hundred times. Do not list the benefits of spending any of the money that you will make. Write only the benefits of actually building the business.

    For example:
    1. To be able to lead and influence the lives of those I employ
    2. To be able to employ people and add to the number of economic exchanges
    3. To be able to serve and make a difference in the lives of millions of people
    4. To be able to master the skills of business management
    5. To be able to create a business that I can leave to my offspring

    2. How can managing your business more effectively and efficiently to maximize your profits be of great service, value, and benefit to you? Answer that question at least two hundred times.

    For example:
    1. To be able to master the skills of governing and leading people
    2. To be able to hire and inspire teams to fulfill their lives
    3. To be able to prioritize my and my employees’ actions to reduce stress
    4. To be able to maximize profits, keep costs down for customers, and sell more
    5. To be able to determine what is working and not working

    3. How can saving an ever -greater portion of profit from your business be of great service, value, and benefit to you? Again, answer that question at least two hundred times.

    For example:
    1. To be able to stabilize my primary business
    2. To be able to attract more qualified clients
    3. To be able to associate with wealthier clients and receive more ideas and expanded options
    4. To be able to capitalize on the beauty of compound interest
    5. To be able to calm my volatile emotions and economic stress levels

    4. How is investing and learning the art of progressive investing with greater degrees of leverage and return going to be of great service, value, and benefit to you? (“ Progressive investing” means that as your wealth grows, you are able to take ever-greater risks. For example, you might begin by putting $ 100 each month into an interest-bearing account. When you have accumulated a few thousand dollars, you might put half of your wealth into a collection of blue-chip stocks. When that wealth has grown larger, you might put a portion of it into a collection of smaller and newer stocks that is riskier but that offers a potentially greater rate of return. As your wealth grows, you are able to take greater risks —and achieve greater rewards.) Once again, answer that question at least two hundred times.

    For example:
    1. To be able to take advantage of more progressive and elevated returns
    2. To learn about companies and their financial strategies
    3. To build a stable stack of cushioned investments
    4. To diversify my portfolio to take advantage of different classes and sectors
    5. To pool my money with other sophisticated investors

    5. How is building and amassing a vast financial fortune going to be a great service, value, and benefit to you? Yet again, answer that question at least two hundred times.

    For example:
    1. To be able to build a stable nest egg
    2. To be able to draw in even more wealth-building opportunities
    3. To be able to endure any form of socioeconomic volatility
    4. To be able to build an enduring brand
    5. To be able to select the individuals or companies I associate with

    6. How is identifying or creating a financial cause— something you can dedicate your life and your wealth to— that leaves a legacy that lasts more than one hundred years and serves vast numbers of people going to be of great service, value, and benefit to you? Answer that question at least two hundred times.

    For example:
    1. To be able to create a lasting foundation that serves the world beyond my life
    2. To be able to have a multigenerational family structure that serves the world
    3. To be able to master more sophisticated estate and trust planning
    4. To be able to participate in philanthropy
    5. To be able to leave a lasting family or corporate legacy

    Click Here To Get The Values Factor: The Secret to Creating an Inspired and Fulfilling Life

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…what you say and what you can teach the world MATTERS…

…you matter…

…learn to do what I do by sharing your knowledge with the world…

…what you know is important to someone and you have a duty to get your message and your value out to the world as fast as possible…

…click on the picture below to get started now…

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10 Replies to “Secret Mind Programming Exercises That Make You Think, Act Like And Become Financially Free”

  1. Wow, Meylysa. What an inspiring post. I can’t ever remember seeing a post with such “value” in it, love the section on :Dreamlining”. Awesome…

    1. Thanks Keith…these exercises really did change my life and I really think they will help people achieve financial freedom. I really appreciate your comment, and I also LOVE the dreamlining exercise!

  2. I was a little sceptical about it when I read the secret mind programming exercises … and yet I am blown away! Thanks so much I discovered dreamlining and I am going to use it! thanks so much

    1. Thanks for the comment Eric, I appreciate your honest…that dreamlining exercise is super powerful, glad you like it…I think you should get the book The Four Hour Workweek, it’s full of just the most amazing information on how to live the life of your dreams quickly…

  3. I have the 4-Hour Workweek on my shelf and haven’t read it yet. After reading this, I think I need to delve into it, like, right now! I have downloaded and printed the Dreamline worksheet. What a great resource. Thanks for sharing!

    1. …Thanks for the comment Susan! I’m glad you got value from it. Yes, that book is worth reading many many times…it’s like a reference book on how to live your dreams…

  4. “What would you do if there were no way you could fail If you were 10 times smarter than the rest of the world?”

    i like this… there are those movies that talk about … “what if”…

    Like Lucy, and Limitless

    If the boundaries to your creative mind are not limited anymore.. what would you do?

    and the thing is a lot of people place “fake” barriers on themselves. I do it all the time and have to think……

    Is this a real barrier or just in my mind?

    Great post and thanks for writing it.

    1. Thanks for the thoughtful comment Lawrence!

      …so, what was your answer?