Scientific Study Shows Why People Are Happier During Christmas

Scientific Study Shows Why People Are Happier During Christmas

…Mey here blogging before bedtime, just put up the Christmas tree today, blogging about Scientific Study Shows Why People Are Happier During Christmas…


…so, why do people feel so happy and jolly around Christmas time?

…well, I always thought growing up that it was because I got to have gifts!

…and then we got to eat good food and see all of our relatives…

…well, that is all still true…

…however, scientific studies have also shown that spending money on other people makes people happy

…spending money on ourselves, which is what we do all year, does not make people happier…

…so the season of giving is such a happy season because so many of us are spending a lot of time, spending money on the people that we love, or giving to charity…

…I feel pretty happy and I spent all evening searching to spend money on others…

…what about you?

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