Powerful Money Breakthrough Affirmation – I Can Afford It Now

Powerful Money Breakthrough Affirmation – I Can Afford It Now

This is Mey on a BRILLIANT Wednesday morning super pumped to give you a Powerful Money Breakthrough Affirmation – I Can Afford It Now

…do you have all of the money that you need and want in your life?

…or are could you use more money in your life?

…how much more do you want?

…how much is your magic number?

…well, I came across a realization for myself one day that I actually love money because of what it allows me to do with my life…

…specifically it helps my family go on super cool trips and vacations…

…and one day I realized that I had a thought in my head that was preventing me from doing larger trips – specifically a cruise to in the Mediteranean…

…and I changed the thought to the opposite, and created a Super Power New Money Affirmation for myself, and it created a breakthrough in my thinking and in my money…

…(drumroll please)…

…and that affirmation is “I Can Afford It Now”

…so read on to the end of this article to understand exactly how to use this affirmation to create a POWERFUL MONEY BREAKTHROUGH FOR YOU!

Using “I Can Afford It Now”

…in order to fully get the power of an affirmation, especially one like this one, is to use it daily in multiple different ways…

…the first and easiest is to say this affirmation everytime that you see something that you can afford…

…so you see food in the grocery store, or clothing in a store, or food at restaurants, and you say “I Can Afford It Now”…

…when you are confident and the time is right for you, move on to your dreams and goals…

…it can be a cruise like us…

…maybe it’s a luxury car…

…maybe it’s your dream home…

…maybe it’s a massage, or a spa day…

…maybe it’s an educational course or a program…

…get used to saying this affirmation for everything that you see and that you want to purchase…

…doodle about all of the amazing things you want to afford…

…sing it in a song…

…say it to yourself in the mirror!

How “I Can Afford It Now” Will Create Your Personal Breakthrough

…saying and using this affirmation creates personal breakthroughs because it opens up your mind to the possibility of being able to afford what you want now (not in the future)…

…you start having ideas that wouldn’t normally have occurred to you because you are opening your mind to receive them…

…people use this change of thinking to bring out more money than they ever thought possible…

…one striking example that I heard this past weekend of a personal breakthrough with money was with a person from Cuba…

…they make only $200/mo and wanted to buy courses in Internet Marketing to make his business successful that cost $3,000…

…he initially thought it was impossible…

…then his mentor told him to think about what it would be like if it were possible…

…what would it be like if he could afford it now?

…that man had a breakthrough and within days came up with the money and purchased the courses that he wanted…

…so this is a real powerful breakthrough affirmation and process that can change your life if you choose to use it…

…and it does not matter how much you make or have, and what it is that you want…

…if the thought is there for you, then it is a possibility for you…


…I hope you enjoyed reading abuot the POWER of this amazing affirmation “I Can Afford It Now”…

…in the comments below, let us know your story of when you had a breakthrough and thought you couldn’t afford something and you made that shift in thinking and just days later, could afford it!

…we want to hear from you =)


…I love blogging about Financial Freedom and making money doing it!

…the power of the internet is always astounding and the money that bloggers can make would blow your mind…

…and all you need to start blogging is to have a passion about something – whether it be cooking or sewing or traveling, whatever it is that you love…

…and to be able to share your passion on your blog…

…don’t take my word for it, just check it out for yourself with stories from others using their blogs to make money online…

CLICK HERE, watch the free video, and get started =)

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8 Replies to “Powerful Money Breakthrough Affirmation – I Can Afford It Now”

  1. Sometimes I don’t know how to use affirmation to my benefit all the way. This post helps me the way again. Thanks.

    1. Thanks Sharon, I really hope that it makes more money in your life. I appreciate all that you do =)

  2. Great post! and such a powerful affirmation. I can see how this can keep us in the right mindset at all times, and that’s what it’s all about…Believing it, then achieving it.

    Keep up the valuable posts!

    1. Thanks for visiting the blog today Michael, and I’m glad it gave you value! Yes, it is one of the most powerful money breakthrough affirmations that I have ever used!

  3. This is such a great positive affirmation for attracting more money. I’ve been using positive affirmations and they definitely have assisted me in shifting my mindset!

    1. Hi Michal, thanks so much for your comment! It’s great to hear about your experience with affirmations and how they have assisted you in shifting your mindset =)

  4. Meylysa, this is a great idea to start saying to things I actually CAN afford, and then move on to bigger things. I am going to use this affirmation, thank you for sharing it with us.

    1. Hi Xarah, thanks for visiting. I love your videos by the way! Sometimes if you have a very analytical mind, and your mind will reject an affirmation that you don’t think is true, then you can also say, “I’m taking the steps to afford that” and similar affirmations that show progress. I hope it changes your life!