Mey here on a beautiful Tuesday morning blogging about one of the biggest concepts I’ve ever come across: MORE
What does MORE mean to you?
When you hear the word MORE do you think positive or negative thoughts?
Honestly, when I used to hear the word more, I thought negative thoughts…
…I used to equate MORE with selfishness, and that if I always wanted more than I would always be chasing happiness or wealth or whatever it was I wanted MORE of, and that I would never be satisfied…
…that is what I thought MORE was all about…
Well, I recently have been taking a class called “Bringing on More” which is about becoming a better presenter, and be able to articulate and also let people know about and have the opportunity to register and attend the PSI Basic Seminar…
Which is often called the MORE seminar…
My Story of Wanting MORE
…back in January of 2012, a friend named Bob asked me to lunch and when he asked me how I was doing, I started crying! (really weird response yes?)
…the reason I started crying was because I had overdrafted in my checking account that morning…
…and that was the 2nd time I had overdrafted in a week…
…and I worked at a Bank and I had heard that people who overdraft often are put on a list that goes up to Senior Management…
…and if you overdraft over a certain amount of times, you get fired…
Makes sense right?
Do you want someone working at a bank who doesn’t know how to handle their finances?
I was frustrated, embarrassed and felt like a failure…
Well, Bob was real nice, gave me all of these tissues to wipe my tears and he told me about the PSI Basic Seminar…
He told me he learned tools and techniques there that he’s used to create more money in his life…
…in fact, his finances were great!
I ended up going to the seminar that month, and have used tools such as Screen of the Mind and Intention Mechanism to completely change my financial life…
From January 2012 to now, my Networth has increased over $100,000…
…and so far this year guess how many times I’ve overdrafted?
You got it right! NONE.
Why Wanting More and Becoming More is Crucial to Life
If you are like me, you might not think that wanting more and becoming more is actually crucial to life…
…I used to think that wanting more means taking from others…that’s simply not true…
…think about a tree…

…a tree will grow as long as it’s connected to it’s roots…
…it will grow higher, create more leaves, it will become thicker…
…that is a tree and that is what life is…
…as soon as you cut the tree from it’s roots, and it stops growing…
…let’s say you cut the tree down and made it into a chair…
…that chair looks pretty stable, and may last a long time, however, everyone knows that it is in the state of decay…
…the wood is not growing anymore, and now it is decaying…
There is no point where a tree reaches a stable state, where it just stays the same…
…there are just 2 states, growth or decay…
…and this is true for all of life…
…so, if I’m looking to be stable, or looking to be comfortable then I am basically giving up on life and wanting to decay…
…when I realized this it was like I was pulled awake…
…so that’s why I always want to grow and learn new things…
…that’s why once I master a job I need to move on to bigger and better things…
…because I’m alive and in order to continue living, I need to grow…
How To Get More of Anything You Want
Is there something in your life that you want to get more of?
I know a lot of people including myself, who want more money…
..and I’ve finally come to realize that it’s a good thing…
wanting more money is a good thing…
…so the next question you probably have is how?
…how do I get more money in my life, and get it now?
…I think we all know if we go out and start working we can earn money and then have more money…
…the big question is, how can I have more money now?
…how can I make it happen faster?
That’s what the MORE seminar, or PSI Basic Seminar, is about…
In 3 days they teach over 80 different tools and techniques that help students get more of whatever it is that they want in their lives…
…and once you take it, you can re-audit as many times as you want, and relearn the tools, for the rest of your life for free…
…and if you don’t get everything you want out of the seminar, you can tell them in writing and they will refund all your money back minus a $50 processing fee…
So, if you do want more in your life, I invite you to attend the PSI Basic Seminar…
…You can find the city closest to you and the best time to take it, as well as register for the next PSI Basic by clicking here…
The PSI community has been changing lives for over 43 years!
It’s time to make a change in your life, and CLICK HERE to register for the next PSI Basic Seminar near you, and make more money, and have more of what it is that you truly want sooner.
I do not make any money or affiliate income from promoting or from you registering for the PSI Basic Seminar…
…I do volunteer staff, and also get tremendous value from the courses that I have taken with PSI…
…I won’t even know if you registered through this blog, so I won’t even know you are taking this class unless you contact me and let me know…
…my income for my internet business comes from blogging and helping others learn to blog about what they love, and if you want to learn how to make money online then CLICK HERE…
A special thanks goes to Mark Tajiri, a truly inspiring PSI instructor, teacher and friend who always says the most positive and inspiring things…
…he helped me have a better understanding of the concept of more…
I’m truly grateful for the time he took to teach us how to Bring on More, and his care and service to the community =)
Thank you Mark!