Money Consciousness Quiz from Where’s the Love and Who’s Got My Money by Jeri Walz

Today we took the Money Consciousness Quiz from Jeri Walz’s book Where’s the Love and Who’s Got My Money?
Go ahead and answer the questions with the first thought that comes into your mind.
Have fun with it and let it show you where your thoughts about money are at the present time (we can change them):
1) What is your first memory of money?
2) Complete this sentence: “Rich People are …”
3) “Money is …..”
4) How much cash in your wallet or purse would make you feel uncomfortable and why?
5) What is the most amount of money you made in a year?
6) Who controlled in your household? Who was the bread winner?
7) Did you mom and dad argue over money and if so, what about?
8) What did your dad do for a living? Salaried or commissioned (if applicable)?
9) What do you remember your dad’s income was each year?
10) What did your dad say about money?
11) What did your dad say about people with money?
12) How much cash did your dad carry?
13) When you asked your dad for money, how did he respond and how did you feel?
14) What did your mom do for a living? Salaried or commissioned (if applicable)?
15) What do you remember your mom’s income was each year?
16) What did your mom say about money?
17) What did your mom say about people with money?
18) How much cash did your mom carry?
19) When you asked your mom for money, how did she respond and how did you feel?
20) What is the largest amount of personal cash you have had in your personal possession?
21) What is a lot of money to you?
22) If you made a lot of money, what would change in your life?