Make Your Financial Freedom Plan
Make Your Financial Freedom Plan! Register for Free Zoom Session on Wednesday July 5th @ 6:30am HST / 12:30pm EST.
For me Financial Freedom is about having free time and the ability to make choices.
I chose to stay at home and spend time raising our son Jordan. He’s 9 now and I stopped working my job at the bank and started working part time from home when he was 3 years old.
I have free time.
When our friends and family visit Hawaii, I can actually be with them, show them a good time, catch up and become closer.
I have the time to explore my dreams, really think about what I want to spend my time doing once Jordan is grown up.
I work out, swim, eat healthy meals.
What do you want?
What does financial freedom look like to you and how badly do you want it?
In order to create real financial progress it is important to write down a financial freedom plan.
It is powerful when it is written down.
Luckily I have created templates for you to use to create financial freedom.
And I’m going to show you step by step exactly how to use them.
In fact, you are encouraged to fill out your financial freedom plan during the live zoom session on July 5.
When the session is done, you will have a written financial freedom plan!
How does that sound?
The Zoom session is free. It’s being offered to members of my e-mail list, which you will be joining when you register. You can unsubscribe at any time and I never let anyone else have access to it. It’s a great list with extremely valuable content for anyone serious about creating Financial Freedom.