Lessons I Learned From Raisins, Cranberry Juice And The Omega Diet

Lessons I Learned From Raisins, Cranberry Juice And The Omega Diet

…sometimes you learn the most valuable lessons years after you experienced something in life…

…for me, it was when I figured out the cause of what I thought was a urinary tract infection…

…the story starts with iron…did you know raisins have iron?

…they have a lot of something else too…


  1. …you know when you think you know what’s going on in your life?

    …well, I just want to assure you that…unless you are a sage…you do not know everything or even close to a tiny percent of what is going on in your life…

    …my story begins when I decided to become a vegetarian…

    …I was afraid I would have low iron so I started snacking on raisins to supplement…

    …I then started having a really uncomfortable time peeing…

    …thinking that I had a urinary tract infection, I began drinking a lot of cranberry juice…

    …after a while, the infection went away and I really didn’t think anything of it…

    …until years later when my father bought a copy of the Omega Diet and I was reading it and came across the section on foods that have high sugar…

    …if you eat too much of these high sugar foods, they could cause discomfort while peeing…

    …and one of those foods was RAISINS!

    …so for years I had thought that I had gotten a urinary tract infection when in reality I had eaten too many raisins!

    …it went away because I stopped eating raisins for other reasons…

    …I had a breakthrough moment where I realized that I had had NO IDEA why it was painful for me to pee back then…

    …and it was all because of the raisins!!!

    …it made me think about what other things are happening in my life that I think my be caused by something and it really had no cause or the cause is something COMPLETELY different than what I can currently understand…

    …I mean, all the things that we experience, can we really know the cause of them all?

    …and more importantly, do we have to?

    …of course we do want to know what causes good or bad things to happen so that we can make more good and less bad…

    …however, sometimes, we’re just not seeing the real cause…or even the big picture for that matter…

    …and I realized that I am not an all seeing all knowing young lady…

    …sometimes I just don’t really know the cause of things or even what is going on around me at all…

    …and I think most of us really don’t either…

    …and it’s a great thing!

  2. …the second lesson I learned later on from this experience is that as long as we tune into our inner voice…

    …and stay on path with our intuition…

    …we can navigate through what to many would seem a very chaotic world…

    …and that it can be a very enjoyable journey…

    …and that we can actually know the cause of things, if we calm our minds and ask ourselves…

    …you might think it’s kind of like magic and I would have to say it is more real than any magic…

    …this is a lesson that I only learned a few years ago and which has changed my life dramatically…

    …it’s actually about giving up control of things, and realizing that we are a part of a universe that we can tap into at anytime…

    …Michael Beckwith would say it is giving in to our greatness and the god within us…

…what do you think about being in control or the lack of being in control?

…do you have any lessons you learned from moments in your life that you couldn’t explain?

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4 Replies to “Lessons I Learned From Raisins, Cranberry Juice And The Omega Diet”

  1. Great ideas, Meylysa.
    I am constantly re-evaluating things in my life which has a way of bringing my attention to the smallest of details sometimes.

    1. Thank you for your comment Cathy…I agree on how everything in our lives can make the biggest difference!

  2. Good information to know about…sometimes we just need to sit still and quiet our mind and not be in a hurry to jump to a conclusion…about things happening in our body and the world around us.