Lesson I Learned From David Wood

Lesson I Learned From David Wood

Where there is no vision, there is no hope. -George Washington Carver

David Wood is one of the greatest leaders that I have ever had the privilege to work with…

…he is the founder and co-owner of Empower Network, a company whose sole mission matches it’s name…to Empower people…

…ever since I first saw a video of Dave Wood, I knew he was a great man…

…I want to share one of the many lessons that I’ve learned from him…


  1. The biggest lesson that I learned from Dave was that I really did have value to contribute to the world, and that I can turn that value into money…

    …this is probably one of the hardest lessons for me personally to learn, that I truly am valuable AND that I deserve to be paid for my value…

    …and then actually really get paid…

    …to me, it was like leadership lessons in the real world…

    …with real people, and dollars…over $21,000 thousand dollars in about 1 year and 1/2 to be exact (my results are not typical…see the average earnings of people in my company at http://www.WorkWithMey.com/income)

    …it’s not just the money, it’s the vastness of the knowledge that he has taught me and thousands of others through his live events, his trainings, his calls and webinars…

    …he teaches the heart of things that we care about…like how to really make money, how to be a leader, how to deal with rejection, how to speak with influence, how to change people’s minds to be better, how to change the world…

    …how to be a part of a movement that is so powerful, and so idealistic…AND STILL GET PAID…

    …I mean, who does that?

  2. Another Big Lesson from Dave Wood…


    …he embraces all people, whether you live on the street or you are a billionaire…

    …he once told us a story about how one of the people in our business asked him to speak more politely so that he could market to professional people…

    …and he instead revealed to that person that they believe that professional people are somehow better than others…when it just isn’t true…

    …we are as people, equally good and equally worth of respect and of good will…

    …to me, he is like a modern day Martin Luther King Jr or Mother Theresa…

    …his mission is the help us bring out the best in all of us…

    …and that is the best part!

    …I bring my stronger and better leader self when I hear him speak and when I listen to the lessons that he teaches…

    …because he created a business where we Blog Daily to the world our value, each individual and true…

    …and we can come from any background, have any education, be anybody at anytime we want…

    …this is a man that is a blessing to meet, work with and learn from!

If you want to learn from David Wood yourself, then you will have to blog daily…

…daily action is the key to changing anything…

I invite you to blog with us by clicking the picture below!

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