Invitation to Join New Advanced Finance Freedom Mastermind

Invitation to Join New Advanced Finance Freedom Mastermind

If you want to be a part of a New Advanced Finance Freedom Mastermind I am opening then read on.

Before I go on, understand that investing is risky, and you could lose all or part of your money.

Now, let’s continue.

This mastermind is an Advanced Mastermind and the goal is to master creating investment returns of 100% to 1000%+ in our total portfolio value on a consistent basis.

In other words, if you have $15,000 in your investment account, the goal is to be able to double that money to $30,000 to $150,000+.

This is not saying that all investments will work, but the goal is that enough of them will so that the value of our investments will have a 100% to 1000%+ return year after year.

This is really compounded high yield growth.

That’s the skill we are mastering.

Of course, I might mess up and lose all or part of my money, AND THAT IS WHY THIS IS AN ADVANCED MASTERMIND.

You have to have excess money, that you will not lose sleep over if you lose it.

I’ve learned from a lot of risky investing that I don’t want to do risky investing anymore!

Now my investment strategies are much more planned out and strategic.

I just finished our February financials and found out that I doubled some of Jordan’s investments in less than a year already!

I just calculated my Net Worth and it has improved by 174% since February 2017!

That’s a 43.6%/year growth rate!!!!

If you know me I am a pretty conservative investor these days.

I won’t invest in bitcoin, I don’t day trade, and since 2017 we’ve bought 3 properties and sold one for a profit.

I’m also a total geek who is always reading, learning and applying new knowledge until I find something that works.

I’m creating this new mastermind because I want to grow my investments at a more advanced level.

Requirements are that you need to have at least $15,000 to invest, and you need to have a Net Worth of at least $150,000.

This is not a beginner mastermind, our Finance Freedom Mastermind and Security Analysis Mastermind are for beginners in financial freedom.

This is a new Advanced Mastermind is for more advanced investors.

How can you tell if this is right for you?

1) Are you ok with losing $1,000 in value in a well placed and well researched investment that doesn’t pan out?

2) Do you have retirement savings in excess of $100,000?

3) Do you have money to invest that is separate from money you are currently investing for your retirement and your kids college education?

4) Do you track your Net Worth and financials?

5) Can you read a balance sheet and do you create one for your personal finances?

6) Are you looking to learn advanced investing strategies with a friendly and highly motivated group of likeminded investors?

If you answered YES to all of the questions above, then you will want to set up an appointment with me and learn more.

If you are in Hawaii I’d be happy to take you out to breakfast (or lunch if Jordan is in school) =)

CLICK HERE to learn more about the Advanced 100% to 1000% Return Mastermind.

I’ve already started working with my new mentor, but I am still just starting to learn the material and put it into practice.

I love forming masterminds because each member usually compounds the effect of learning and growth for all the other members.

If you want to learn more about this new advanced mastermind, the CLICK HERE to set up a time to discuss it with me.

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