How To Write a Plan for Financial Security and a Plan for Being Financially Comfortable

How To Write a Plan for Financial Security and a Plan for Being Financially Comfortable

Do you have a written plan for your Financial Security and for you to be Financially Comfortable?

Most people don’t and that’s why they are living paycheck to paycheck.

You are not most people though.

You are smart enough to realize that writing a plan for security and then being comfortable will give you real results.

Robert Kiyosaki, in his book Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing, recommends writing out a plan for financial security and then one for being financially comfortable BEFORE you plan on how you will become rich.

His Rich Dad had him do it.

Now it’s our turn!

After you write down these 2 plans and execute them, then you are ready to make your financial plan for being rich!

Watch this video for step by step instructions on how to create it today with the Google Doc link below.

Click here to get access to the Google Document

Be sure to make a copy before you edit it!

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