How To Use The Law of Increasing Returns

How To Use The Law of Increasing Returns

Mey here on a Wednesday afternoon, it’s a breezy nice day here in Honolulu and today’s blog is about How To Use The Law of Increasing Returns…



What is the Law of Increasing Returns?

…I don’t know about you, but I love learning about Laws…

…once I learn a law then I can use it and make the results that I want happen in my life…

…so what is The Law of Increasing Returns?

…I learned this one from The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill

…in it he talks about The Law of Increasing Returns by describing a metaphor with growing wheat…

“The farmer carefully prepares the ground, then sows his wheat and waits while the Law of Increasing Returns brings back the seed he has sown, plus a many-fold increase.


With this vital “tip” from Nature, which we may gather from the wheat fields, let us proceed to appropriate this Law of Increasing Returns and learn how to apply it to the service we render, to the end that it may yield returns in excess of and out of proportion to the effort put forth.” Napoleon Hill

…so you can make an effort that will bring you back much more in results…

…thus your returns are increasing…

How Do We Use The Law of Increasing Returns?

…ok, so now we understand the idea and we also are not farmers so how can we use the law of Increasing Returns?

…the book has an exercise where it says to go out everyday and do a service that you are not going to be paid for…

…it doesn’t matter what the service is…

…do a service that you are not going to be paid for EVERYDAY for the next six months…

…he says that we will see the results of our efforts by then…

…so there you have it, and it’s really interesting that our internet business tells us to blog and give value everyday too, and we shall also see the results come back in increasing returns…

…as a parent, I give a great service for which I am not paid everyday, so it’s pretty easy for me to follow this law…

…what about you?

…are you going to take up the challenge and use the Law of Increasing Returns?

…let me know in the comments below!

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6 Replies to “How To Use The Law of Increasing Returns”

    1. Hi Cory, didn’t think of it that way, however, it is true that doing things for others does make you more outward focused and in addition to increasing returns in the future!

    1. Hi Sharon, thanks for the comment. It’s easy to test, just do service everyday without expecting any return and see what happens!