How To Use Recurring Dreams To Increase Your Wealth

How To Use Recurring Dreams To Increase Your Wealth

I just woke up not long ago and had a recurring dream, and realized it was a key to wealth.

Do you get recurring dreams?

Mine always involves school, college to be exact.

I’m always going back to college, but at my current age, going back and doing it again.

It used to be that I would be late to classes, but this morning I was dreaming about joining the women’s volleyball team.

It seemed so real too.

They had banners on the doors of the gym, asking women to join for their top rated facilities, for fun, for a family.

They said that women deserved equal rights to playing sports, and to lifelong health and the joy of competition.

I learn from my dreams, and I study them now.

Today we are going to go through how to use recurring dreams to increase wealth, with the recurring dream that I just had.

Use your own recurring dream and follow along!

Ask Yourself “Why Am I Having This Dream?”

I asked myself this question, and realized it stems from the thought that I regret not having done more in College.

It was triggered by watching a Star Trek Movie last night. It was called Generations, and it was filled with regret.

Captain Kirk and Captain Picard both felt a deep sense of regret over not having a family, and choosing to spend all their energy to being a Captain of a Starship.

The regret is so deep, that the main bad guy Soren will destroy stars and planets, one with millions of people on it, just to go to a place called the Nexus, and relive his life again in a blissful way.

This feeling of regret from the movie triggered a sympathetic thought, that I also feel regret over not having done more when I was in College.

Apparently, I don’t have this feeling about Elementary, Middle School, High School and Graduate school lol.

I have a thought and feeling like I went to College and didn’t get the value I was supposed to get…like I messed it up…like that was a critical juncture in my life and I screwed it up.

 I think when I went to College I felt I was still young, still full of potential, and ready to take on the world.

When I left College, I didn’t feel like I was succeeding, that I wasn’t progressing, and I compared myself with other graduates and felt inferior.

So I have this recurring thought that if I could just go back and do College over again, I would be better than I am now.

Release the Recurring Thought

Sometimes, just seeing and realizing you have the thought is enough to release it completely.

With my prior dreams, I was always late to class.

This was the thought that I didn’t have enough time.

I realized I had that thought and I let it go, and thereby released that recurring dream…thank God!!!

Only time will tell if my realizing this College anxiety will release these dreams about College.

Overwrite the Thought

Another method is to overwrite the thought, and replace it with a new thought.

So my new thought is:

I am enough and College was exactly what it was supposed to be for me, and a perfect education.

College pushed me to be who I am today, and I am perfect right now.

I got all that I was supposed to get out of College, I have graduated and moved on in an exceptional way.


Do you have recurring dreams?

Do you have anxiety over something hidden from plain view?

Sometimes your dreams are the window to that one thought you need to let go of, or that one thought you need, that one key to wealth.

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