How To Save When Your Friends Are Spending…

How To Save When Your Friends Are Spending…

…Mey here at my desk on a beautiful Monday evening 8pm with today’s topic of how to save when your friends are spending…

…the most important tenet to becoming wealthy, financially free, rich and successful with money is to SAVE at least 10% of everything you make and keep it safe, and grow it…

…most people spend everything they make, and also spend more than they make!

…this happens a lot from peer pressure…

…say your friends go out to party and you all buy drinks and food and you’re spending your paycheck away every weekend…

…or your friends are all buying new cars and you want a new car too…

…I have a friend who used to make a lot of money and every year felt the need to upgrade his BMW, spending thousands of thousands of dollars excessively, draining his wealth…


…you get the picture…


…so how can you save when your friends are spending?

…here are 5 Tips to keep more money for you and get wealthy…

1) Set a budget when you party with friends, and buy just one drink and then just water the rest of the night…you can volunteer as the designated driver and save yourself hundreds if not thousands every month…

2) Hang out with new friends who are wiser about saving their money and spending their time…join an investing club, or take evening classes in finance…open your horizon and meet new people!  Make friends who are financially free…

3) …do an automatic paycheck deduction so that every time you get paid, at least 10% is put in a savings account that you never touch, that way the money is not there and you won’t spend it…

4) …wait a couple of months before you make a large car purchase, or purchase a house…let the pressure of keeping up with your friends wear off and take this time to calculate whether buying the item is worth it…instead of just saving the money…

5) Learn something new about financial freedom and money everyday, by reading a new book or a financial magazine, or even reading the daily blog post here at Yes Financially Free…


…I hope these tips help you make wiser decisions, and break away from the pack so that you can be one of the 1% who actually becomes financially free!


…I love blogging about financial freedom, and I get paid doing it too!  Want to learn more about blogging about what you love and making money doing it?


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