How to Own an Information Asset

How to Own an Information Asset

We are in the information age so how do we own an information asset?

I think that is an important and empowering question don’t you?

What is information and how do you sell it…and how do you own it?

It’s ok if you are new in this, but it’s important to start learning!

What is An Information Asset?

If you have control over information that people want, and they pay you for it, that is an information asset.

Sometimes you can teach the same things as someone else, but people want it from you because you are the teacher.

It could be a book, online or in print.

It could be a movie or tv series…the script or the actual show.

Writers, actors and producers make money with information assets.

Music and songs are information assets.

Sometimes it’s a brand new platform of sharing, such as facebook or tik tok.

Maybe it’s a way for searching for information like Google or Yahoo.

Now there are apps that streamline how to contact people for services such as driving and delivering food – Uber and BiteSquad for example.

There are digital currencies now, which are truly just information – bitcoin and ethereum.

There’s so much variety to information assets, and more is being invented.

How do you Own an Information Asset?

I’ve had some interesting experiences with information assets so I will share from my personal knowledge.

I have created a few websites, but I only own one.

One of my websites is a blogspot website which I do not own, google owns that.

However, this website you are on I do own.

Though I don’t own the host, I own the content which I back up and keep stored.

My first host went out of business and I moved all my content to the current host.

Sound complicated?

It’s not if you have help!

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