How To Overcome The 5 Major Inhibitors of the Mind

How To Overcome The 5 Major Inhibitors of the Mind

Today I write to you about the 5 Biggies from Phil Laut’s book, Money is My Friend, and I’ve rephrased his discussion to How To Overcome the 5 Major Inhibitors of the Mind.

I read this book on the recommendation of a friend who was financially free at 35 years old. At the time, I was struggling with money, had a negative net worth and had $30,000 in credit card debt!!!

Luckily I listened to him and other teachers who came my way, paid off all the debt in 5 years, quit my job, started coaching financial freedom, bought and now own 2 properties in Waikiki…need I say more!?!

So let’s dive into the 5 Biggies, and learn how to overcome our mental obstacles to a future full of money and prosperity!!!

#1 Use Breathing to Overcome Your Birth Experience

When we are born, we learn to breath out of fear that we will die if we don’t start breathing.

In addition, it might have been painful to be born, or doctors or nurses might have hurt us when picking us up or doing medical exams.

For this reason, we often breath very shallow and also repress memories of our birth.

Phil Laut recommends doing breathing exercises so that we breath more fully and freely, and releasing that fear that we had when we first learned to breath.

In addition, by breathing and remembering our birth experience, we can sort through and stories we made when we were babies that could be affecting our lives now.

Phil Laut has an example in his book where he would do seminars, and when he did them away from home, he would make a lot of money. However, when he did a seminar in his home town, he didn’t make any money.

He realized that the cause of this was a story that he made when he was a baby in the hospital. He saw a hospital attendant and got scared that they were going to come and hurt him again. When he realized they were far away, he made the conclusion that he only had to worry about people who were close to him.

He started doing the affirmation, “I am willing to trust people near me”, and he finally started making in his home town.


“Lie down in a relaxed position and close your eyes. Take twenty, even, medium-speed breaths in and out through your mouth, being careful to connect the inhale with the exhale and the exhale with the inhale in a continuous rhythm. Then take four long, easy breaths. Then back to the twenty medium-speed breaths as before and so on.”

#2 Use Love to Overcome Your Parents’ Disapproval

This is the biggest biggie, and originates with feeling like you have to earn the love of your parents.

If you want money, you have to do something you don’t like.

This really hit home with me as I realized that I do this with our son Jordan sometimes.

Just the other day I realized that I told him that if he didn’t behave I would take away his toy…I later apologized for threatening to take his toy as it is his and not mine.

Gosh, I think that’s why I worked in a job that I didn’t like for money, because I was raised to do things that I didn’t like to get the approval of my parents!

Sheesh, what am I teaching Jordan?!?

Anyways, the key is to love our parents with no strings attached.

To forgive them for how we were raised, if there was something that they taught us that wasn’t empowering.

Just love them.

We aren’t getting a reward, and we aren’t loving them because it’s the right thing to do.

Just love them because we are loving.

#3 Use Affirmations to Overcome Specific Negatives

Specific negatives are thoughts that we think that are negative.

If you just write down what you are thinking right now you can get an idea of what thoughts are in your head.

The ones that are negative are your specific negatives.

What you do is take them and write out the reverse as an affirmation.

In my case, I used to say “How come I’m so poor?”

I reversed it to “How come I’m so rich?”

Then I repeat my new thought over and over to replace the negative one.

“How come I’m so rich? How come I’m so rich? (over and over again)”

#4 Use Immortalist Philosophy to Overcome Your Death Urge

Are you afraid of dying?

If you are and you are worried about dying, then you can free up a lot of stress and energy by believing that you will live forever!

I’ve been attending service at Agape Spiritual Center which has drastically improved my death urge.

You can look into practices and philosophies that support living forever, and spend your time living instead of dying!

#5 Use Whatever it Takes to Overcome Past Life Times

Phil Laut says this is not a major factor for most people, however, for a few, a past life time is affecting their current life.

Though Phil does not talk about how to overcome this obstacle, I have in the past met with spiritual healers who can help with this.

My advice is to meditate, and follow your own internal guidance on how to resolve this if it’s an issue for you!


I hope you enjoyed learning how to overcome the 5 Major Inhibitors of the Mind.

I suggest you read the book, Money is My Friend, by Phil Laut.

It’s short but powerful.

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