How To Overcome The 5 Greatest Challenges To Obtaining Financial Freedom

How To Overcome The 5 Greatest Challenges To Obtaining Financial Freedom

…what challenges do you have to overcome to become financially free?

…here are the top 5, and how to overcome them like a champion!

  1. Self Doubt

    …the first challenge that I came upon was self doubt…

    …I didn’t believe I could become financially free and I didn’t know how to do it…

    …have you ever had that feeling…

    …considering that less than 1% of the population is financially free, it is normal to have this doubt…

    …however, if you are even thinking of becoming free and working towards it, there is a high likelihood that you will succeed…

    …so how do you overcome the doubt?

    …say affirmations to yourself everyday…

    …I am financially free…

    …I enjoy spending my time anyway that I choose…

    …I work because I choose to, not because I have to…

    …I have more than enough passive income to live my desired lifestyle…

    …you must replace self doubt with certainty, by using these affirmations…


  2. Lack Of Savings

    …I did not have a savings when I started my journey towards financial freedom…

    …in fact, I was in debt!

    …so what can you do to overcome this hurdle?

    …no matter how poor you are you can still save…

    …even if you only save $0.10/day into your financial freedom account (savings)…

    …that’s how I started, and it grew from there, though it took me years to get to that point…

    …start saving even if it is small and do it everyday…

    …you will feel the difference it makes in your life, even if it is small…


  3. Feeling Poor and Pitying Yourself

    …aw, I used to do this all the time!

    …change the questions that you ask yourself in your head…

    …instead of saying “How come I’m so poor?”…say “How come I keep creating more money and opportunities in my life?”…

    …take control of the questions you ask yourself, because they rule your life…

    …feelings are a result of your thoughts…

    …so choose more empowering thoughts!


  4. You Want to Fit In With Your Poor Friends

    …this is one of the hardest…

    …in order to succeed you need to hang out with empowering people…

    …this may mean that you have to give up the poor friends…

    …I understand that you may also be poor now, however, you are on a mission to become financially free…

    …so you need to hang out with people who already are…

    …if you don’t know anyone then read books like Think and Grow Rich, and Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, and The Richest Man in Babylon…

    …the people you associate with can be authors, you don’t have to know them personally to learn their wisdom…

    …get away from the friends that drag you down and make new more positive friendships ASAP!


  5. Feeling a Lack of Progress

    …so maybe you started saving and you started the affirmations and readings and you feel that you are not progressing…

    …I felt that way, since it took me 2 years before my Net Worth finally started to improve…

    …so how do you remedy this feeling?

    …keep a success journal…

    …everyday, write down at least one success that you had that day, towards your financial freedom…

    …keep this journal and read it everytime you feel a lack of Progress…

    …Rome was not built in a day…

    …you ARE making progress if you are saving daily and reading books on financial freedom…


…what do you think?

…what are your biggest challenges to your financial freedom?

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7 Replies to “How To Overcome The 5 Greatest Challenges To Obtaining Financial Freedom”

  1. Excellent post, Mey. I like the simple, straight-forward ways to overcome the 5 greatest challenges. especially the #5 about measuring your progress. Thanks a lot for sharing such value. Many Blessings!

    1. Glad you found value in them Dragos, good luck on your financial freedom!

  2. Great suggestions Mey!

    I especially liked the 3rd tip about asking better questions. Have you heard of Noah St. John’s Afformations? It’s a way of turning affirmations like you shared in the first tip into questions. Great technique.

    Best of Success,

    1. …thanks for the comment Dan, I’ve heard of afformations though didn’t recall Noah St. John. Thanks!

    1. I’m glad you got value from it lucie, makes me happy to hear that! We all need a boost and support somed ays yes?

    2. I’m glad you got value from it lucie, makes me happy to hear that! We all need a boost and support some days yes?