How to Get Rich Quick from Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing

How to Get Rich Quick from Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing

Let’s talk about How to Get Rich Quick from Robert Kiyosaki’s book Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing.

So, do you want to get rich quick?

The obvious answer is yes.

Is that what you want?

In Robert Kiyosaki’s book Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing, in Chapter 27 on p. 229 he reveals a legal and ethical way to Get Rich Quick.

Get Rich Quick Business Plan

Robert Kiyosaki learned about money from his best friend’s dad when he was a kid. He called his own dad his Poor Dad and his best friend’s dad his Rich Dad.

When he was still in elementary school the difference between the two dad’s wasn’t as apparent.

But when Robert was 12 years old, he toured an ocean front property that his Rich Dad bought, and asked him how he could afford to buy it when he wasn’t rich.

Rich Dad told him that he couldn’t afford it, but his business could.

Rich Dad then explained his business plan to Robert.

It was to have businesses that buy assets.

The assets then create more money, which he used to buy more assets.

Get Rich Quick By Having More Money With A Business

Do you think you could get rich faster if you had twice the money?

Well, Rich Dad explained to Robert how most employees pay the government first 50% – 60% of their money in taxes of some for or another.

Then they use the left over to buy assets.

If you make money in a business, instead of as an employee, you can use all of the money the business earns to buy assets, and you pay taxes on the left over.

In other words, you pay taxes last.

That will effectively allow you to double your money, the legal and ethical way.

Remember, employees pay money first to the government. Businesses pay money last.

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