How To Change Your Money Habits And Become Financially Free

How To Change Your Money Habits And Become Financially Free

Did you know that there is a way to change your money habits?

…what are your habits?

…do you spend everything that you make?

…do you work in a low paying job?

…do you give away your money to family and friends or charities?

…or do you save money and use it to become financially free?

…this post will help you change the habits that aren’t serving you, and start saving at least 10% of all that you make…

  1. New Habit – Save at least 10% of everything I make

    …the first thing you must know is what habit you need to be free….

    …this habit, of saving at least 10% of everything you make, is crucial to your freedom…

    …if you aren’t free then this is the habit that you need to create…

  2. Follow 7 Steps To Release an Old Habit

    1) Define the old habit – spending everything I make
    2) List 150 benefits of this habit  – maybe you get to feel rich for a day, or you pay all your bills, or you get to go out with your friends…
    3) List 4-5 alternative ways of getting the same benefit without doing your habit – if you save money then your savings grows and you can feel rich, if you save your money and invest it to make dividends then you can feel rich…
    4) Find Out What Your Highest Values Are – for example, mine are Family, and Learning and Growth, and Being Physically Active
    5) Find ways to link the most common alternatives to your highest values – if I save money then I will have more freedom to spend with my family, if I save money then I can teach my children through my example to also save money…
    6) List the reasons why you have the old habit – when I was little I had a savings and had to give it to my parents to pay off credit card debt, so I thought all my money had to go to my family so what’s the point of saving it.
    7) Become grateful for the reasons – I’m grateful for my family and that I had the opportunity as a child to help them out financially, this part of my childhood was hurtful and gave me a lesson, I made up a story around what happened and it was that my savings always goes to someone else in my family, however, that isn’t true, that was just one instance in my childhood and now I am in complete control of my finances and my savings.  And when I was a child, I was not in complete control, as my mother knew about my savings and she was also taking care of me.  She did the best she could at the time, and if I had told her how sad I was about it, she would have paid me back.
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