How Reading Has Transformed My Life

How Reading Has Transformed My Life

…what is the one thing in your life that has had the biggest impact?

…for me that would be reading…

…as a child I read fiction to learn about romance and adventure…

…recently books have been changing the way I live my life, almost daily…

…let me share with you my story…


…before I started reading more powerful books, I was living by my circumstances…

…I would assume that I had no control over my life and that it was happening to me…

…I would get myself into trouble and not even know why I did it…

…from reading books like Think And Grow Rich, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, The Four Agreements, Mastery of Love, It’s Not About The Money and You Can Heal Your Life…

I was introduced into a world of almost magic…

…I found that I could control my destiny…

…that the dreams that I had as a child and that I have now are all true…

…and that I actually have exactly what I want in my life right now…

…though I may not realize it…

…now I spend a lot more of my time being grateful for what I have now…

…I enjoy what I have created for myself, which I did not have even 2 years ago!

…I have a loving husband and a cute and loving little boy named Jordan…

…I am now happy and grateful for my job and also for the opportunity to have an online business…

…recently I found out that my current inner purpose is to spread financial freedom to the world…

…I’m also grateful to know that, as one of the hardest things for me was not knowing what my mission was on this earth…

…I recommend reading as it is the best way to find teachers…

…they are out there in the books that they took so much time and care to write…

…all the knowledge that we need is right here…

…did you know there is a vibrant community of entrepreneurs using the internet to make money for themselves and their families?

…Click on the picture below to find out more!

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2 Replies to “How Reading Has Transformed My Life”

  1. Completely agree with you Meylysa. If we should read everyday for 1 hour we become leaders after 5 years. Keep going ! greetings Johan

    1. Thank you Johan for the compliment and encouragement…

      …I just LOVE reading…

      …I’m glad that you appreciate it too!