How Playing Has Saved My Life

How Playing Has Saved My Life


…before I hit m thirties, I was pretty serious about school and life…

…I didn’t really have enough fun…

…I was working a lot, and that really was all I was doing most of the time…

…when I got in my mid thirties I moved in with a family that had a little girl who was 3 years old…

…she loved to play!

…and living with her I started to play again…

…now I play everyday with my husband and my son…

…playing has saved my life…

…I realize that working all the time is not the life that I wanted…

…and now I live the life that I do want…

…and it’s fun!

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2 Replies to “How Playing Has Saved My Life”

  1. I was a lot like you, Meylysa, in that I was “all work and no play.” I thought I wanted the so-called professional career, complete with tailored suits and three-inch heels. And I did do that, for awhile. Then I got married and had children. It was time to trade in the heels for sneakers and the tailored suites with jeans and a t-shirt. It’s amazing how it added years to my life. It felt GREAT! I think if I had kept on the corporate path, I would have quickly become bored and depressed. Thanks for an awe-inspiring post!

    1. Thanks for the thoughtful comment Susan…

      …I think work-a-holism is pretty common in American culture, and when I lived in Taiwan it was there too…

      …so glad I’m enjoying life now and that you are too!!!