How My Warrior Buddy Kenneth Rosier Has Impacted My Life

How My Warrior Buddy Kenneth Rosier Has Impacted My Life

…Are you an Enlightened Warrior Training Camp graduate?

…everytime you meet a graduate it’s like meeting a someone who’s been through war with you…

…and it doesn’t even matter if you know them or not…

…today I’m going to talk about my good friend and warrior buddy Kenneth Rosier  (on the far right)…

…because Warrior buddies are friends for life…


…before I met my Warrior buddy I had just one other friend who understood where I was at…

…I had grown apart from my friends from school, and my work friends were a completely different culture that I was just getting used to…

…I was dreaming bigger and doing stuff like the law of attraction, and seminars, and reading personal growth books…

…that takes a certain kind of friend…

…then I went to Peak Potentials Warrior Camp, and we had to pick a buddy…

…my buddy ended up being one of the tallest guys there, Kenneth Rosier, the man on the far right…

…the thing I remember most about Kenneth was his big laugh…

…it would resonate out through the entire room…

…I really liked that because I had a big laugh too…

…you see, we had fun together…

…and he helped me through a lot of difficult moments at that camp…

…that is not an easy camp to go through…

…and it was cool because we had to do some outdoor physical activities and we still made it through them even though he was so much taller and bigger than I was…

…after Warrior camp Kenneth was always super easy going and liked to meet up with our warrior friends and hang out…

…he’s always very unassuming and friendly…

…I always feel comfortable talking with him and hearing about his dating episodes, or his work schedule juggling…

…now I hope to hear from Kenneth soon…

…sometimes your friends get busy with their lives…

…I’ve been thinking about him, and what his goals are…

…film making and finding his soulmate…

…I hope we can hang out and support each other again…

…if you are reading this and you went to Warrior camp, leave an AHO in the comments below =)

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2 Replies to “How My Warrior Buddy Kenneth Rosier Has Impacted My Life”

  1. It’s great when you find a new friend and they care enough to help you through some of the tough moments in life.
    Great post. Thanks for sharing.